Chapter 21: Blown Away Roses

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It was another busy school day, as the noisy, hyper junior high students bustled into class. "Really! Our school's going to run a musical production?" Chiharu asked, excitedly.

"Yes!" Tomoyo Daidouji replied, smiling as she sat in her desk at the school.

Erika asked, "What's it going to be about?" She could already imagine herself being the star.

"Well, it's going to be a modified version of the story, Romeo and Juliet."

"Romeo and Juliet?" Many girls clasped their hands with a lovey-dovey expression. "How romantic!"

"I said, modified version," Tomoyo corrected.

"Will there be auditions and preparation and everything?" Naoko asked. "I think I'll like to be in the set designing crew."

Sakura smoothed her uniform skirt and tidied her notebooks. Another busy school year had started. Tomoyo and everyone had long since returned from New York, and life was starting to get on the boring side. Kero-chan had resumed his marathon video-game challenge (but he still was mad at her for leaving him behind last time.) Though Sakura had hoped that the trip would make her closer to Erika Chang, unfortunately, she came to a conclusion that she liked Erika even less now.

Tomoyo frequently passed letters with Eriol, and Sakura heard that London life was pretty dull as well and that Miho and Eriol both were ditching school for the time being. After all, Eriol decided that he had enough education for two lifetimes, while Kaho Mizuki-sensei could teach Miho Tanaka, her cousin. Meanwhile, Syaoran was back to his distant, "I-don't-know-that-you-even-exist" self. Well, that's not exactly true... either, a voice inside her told her. Oh yeah. Her brother, Touya Kinomoto hated Syaoran more than ever. Yet, already, the events in New York seemed like a haze. Another wistful collection to her stupid memories. Slightly grinning, Sakura looked across few desks at Eron Chang, Erika's charming twin brother. He caught her eye and winked. The only person who she had grown closer to on that trip was Eron-kun. She decided that liked him even better than before. 

From behind Sakura, Syaoran sighed, seeing the direction of her gaze. Didn't I tell her to distinguish her enemies from her allies? She's just no good at it.

Their teacher, Terada-sensei (who moved to Seijou Junior High, Tomoyo wondered why) cleared his throat and began, "I'm glad to see that all of you seem to be excited about the major musical production, which is to be called 'Star-Crossed.' This will require time and preparation, as well as lots of effort and enthusiasm from all of you. I'm sure all of you will be able to participate in this production, whether as actors and actresses, costume and set designers, technicians, or just helpful extras to smooth the way along. The theme of the musical would be based on the outline of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, however will have many modifications, character alterations, not to mention requirement of students to be able to sing, act, dance, and even sword fight! (There was a whooping among the teenage boys of the class.) The auditions for 'Star-Crossed,' would be held in a few weeks, on February 14th (students shouted 'Valentine's Day') and after that, the scripts will be available and our school would become very busy until summer. (Everyone groaned.) This will be the biggest production in years, and Seijou High and even the Tomoeda Elementary students, not to mention parents would be eager to help." (Everyone cheered.) 

"I want to be the heroine," swooned many girls after class.

"I bet you would be good," Sakura told Tomoyo. "Everyone knows how well you sing."

Smiling, Tomoyo replied, "I'm not going to be a part of the cast, however. Are you trying out, Sakura-chan? You have to!"

"How did you know about the school production before Terada-sensei told us, anyway?" asked Meirin, packing her books in her bag after class ended.

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