Chapter 14: The Winter Wonderland

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The day after the Winter Concert, and the day before the long awaited Winter Wonderland at Tomoeda...

"Really? He asked you to the Winter Wonderland?" Sakura squealed.

Sheepishly, Tomoyo nodded. She had been certain that Eron would ask Sakura...

"Great! Now, you can get even closer to him in the New York trip."

"Nah. I don't think he's interested in me." Tomoyo fingered her long violet hair.

"Hey, great job Sakura!" Chiharu said as they flocked out of the girl's locker room to the soccer field.

"Yeah, you played really well," added Erika.

"Thanks!" Sakura smiled. Then she added, "Onii-chan said that it sounded a little better than when I practiced."

"I guess I'll meet your famous brother at the New York trip, won't I?"

"Yup. But you'll regret it." Yet, Sakura knew that many girls feel head over heels for her tall, handsome, mysterious, and talented brother.

"Brothers are all annoying," Erika inputted agreeably. "Don't tell Eron 'nii-chan though."

"Cousins are annoying, too," Meirin added, putting on a sports jacket.

"Who, Syaoran-kun? Yeah, it must be annoying to live with your cousin." Erika tied back her wavy dark hair. "At least he does all the cooking for you."

"But I think that he would make a pretty nice brother," Sakura said, without much thought.

"You like him, don't you?" Erika asked suddenly.

"L-like him? What do you mean by that?" Sakura laughed uneasily. "I don't like anyone. Gosh, I can't believe the PE teacher's making us play soccer outside. It's far too cold."



"Pass!" Eron ran ahead. Swiftly, Syaoran ran to block him. Deftly, Eron kicked the soccer ball hard, and it entered the goal.

"Nice job!" Team member called. Girls cheered. Syaoran glared at Eron. Just because he helped Eron the previous day didn't mean that they weren't still rivals.

"Ha! Beat you this time, Li-san!" Eron flicked back his hair pulled back in a horsetail.

"You won't next time!" Immediately, Syaoran started dribbling down the muddy field."

"Those two actually enjoy their rivalry. But I can't see how the boys can be so energetic in this weather." Meirin drew her jacket closer to her.

"I know. At least you have a jacket." Erika's teeth were chattering in her think t-shirt.

"Girls! You've got to play too!" The PE teacher called. "Run!"

"C'mon you guys. If you run, it will be less cold," Sakura said, slowly running towards the ball. They all groaned.

As Sakura ran down the field, despite the heaviness of her legs, she saw that someone had kicked the ball into the air. It headed straight up. And instead of booting towards the opposite end of the feel, it immediately crashed down with a BAM!

Instantaneously, Sakura covered her face with her hands and crumpled to the ground. The soccer ball trailed off to the side and everything went black for a second.


"Sakura, are you all right? Sakura... Sakura... Can you hear me? Sakura..." All around her, words and voices were blurred. Her mind was whirling round and round. She still buried her hands on her face, while the cold made her whole body throb as she crouched down.

Cardcaptor Sakura: The New Trials (Wish-luv)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora