Chapter 31: Unraveled Secrets

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Chapter 31: Unraveled Secrets

“I can’t believe she can sleep midair,” Syaoran muttered half to himself, half to the Unicorn. “Can you?” Daylight was breaking, and Sakura and he had arrived over the bustling city of Tokyo on back of the flying Unicorn.

Midnight Star whinnied, shaking his head. The normally ebony black stallion had transformed into a pure snow white unicorn with the rise of sun, perfectly blending in with the lightened sky.

“I mean, what if she falls off?” Syaoran, who was sitting behind the sleeping Sakura, eyed her with discontent as she wobbled dangerously to and fro on the Unicorn’s back.

Giving a meaningful neigh, Midnight Star tossed its now silvery mane, his amethyst twinkling.

“Oh fine,” replied Syaoran. Hesitantly, he supported his arms around Sakura’s waist. He was a little surprised when Sakura snuggled against his chest. Her head neatly fit on his shoulder, and he blinked at her sleeping face for a while. She didn’t realize where they were right now, or who he was; it was as if she forgot all her worries in a deep dreamland. “Don’t tell her,” Syaoran muttered when Midnight Star was guffawing at him, as if accusing him of taking advantage of Sakura since she was sleeping.


“HOEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WHERE… AM… I????!!!!” Sakura screamed, bolting upright on the Unicorn, some time later. Then she realized that Syaoran’s arms were tightly wrapped around her waste. “What are you doing?!” She pushed Syaoran away, almost shoving him completely off Midnight Star.

Sweat-dropping, Syaoran muttered, “Humph. Little gratitude I get for keeping you in balance.”

Then she remembered.  “We must be in Tokyo now!” Groaning, Sakura shifted her position. Her neck, all the way down her spine ached from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. “Tell me never to sleep on a horse’s back, midair again. Then patting, the Unicorn’s head, she said, “Thanks, Midnight Star. You must be tired. Wow, you turned white! How pretty! Is it another one of your special powers?”

Slowly, Midnight Star drifted lower down the sky, over the tall buildings. Then, fumbling inside her bag, Sakura drew out her binoculars. Holding it up to her eye, and focusing down below at the streets, she exclaimed, “Oh no! They followed us all the way here!” The police cars were flocking the streets, causing chaos in the morning traffic.

Frowning, Sakura pondered, If I want to get anything done, I can’t have the police always chasing me 24/7. But that can’t be helped because I’m carrying Kaitou Magician’s locket, which has the microchip attached to it. How can I prevent them from tracking me with their electronic devises? Out loud, she exclaimed, “Ah ha! The Shield Card!”

Flinging up the locket, she used the Shield to guard it from outside devises. There, the police force wouldn’t be able to track them through the microchip, anymore.

“Will that work?” Syaoran asked.

“Of course! The Shield Card blocks all outside forces. That includes computer tracking systems.” Finally, they landed behind a secluded alley and the Unicorn returned to a card.

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