New Trials Special: Sakura's Birthday Pink Ribbon Trees

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April 1...

Today... Today's my birthday!!! Sakura thought excited. It was a sunny Sunday morning, no school, no work.

"ONII-CHAN!!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!" Sakura shouted, thumping down the stairs. She jumped into the kitchen, expecting her smiling father to be by the oven, cooking hotcakes, her brother by the table setting the dishes. But it was all empty.

Oh yeah. Both her father and brother were away. Oh well. Sighing she sat down on an empty chair. No Kero-chan to eat cakes and sweets with, either. Thinking about it, she had no plans for the day. Most of her friends were busy with various things, or they were away. Maybe she could spend the day with Tomoyo-chan.

As if on cue, the telephone rang. Sakura picked it up. "Hello? Kinomoto residence."

"Sakura-chan?" Came Tomoyo's enthusiastic voice. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks! Hey, are you doing anything today?"

"Well, I called you to tell you some bad news. I'm really sorry, but I have to go to the city with Mother today. I was planning to spend the day with you, and everything. I'll call you back later, when I get back. Maybe we can do something then. I'll give you your present later all right? Again, I'm really sorry."

"It's all right, Tomoyo-chan. I'm just grateful that you thought of it," Sakura said.


Is this lame or what? Sakura muttered to herself, walking down the street, looking into the windows of various pretty stores. Though the weather was beautiful, it wasn't a pretty spring. Flowers and leaves hadn't blossomed, and this year, the cherry blossoms hadn't started blooming in the neighborhood yet. She was slightly disappointed, because her birthday always had come with cherry blossom festivals. It's my birthday and I'm walking around all by myself.

Was there really no one to spend the day with? Chiharu was away in the countryside. Rika had piano lessons. Naoko went to the dentist.

Syaoran? Sakura drew out her handphone, hesitating to call his home. Well, here goes nothing. After several rings, she sighed. No one recieved the phone call.

Then, a pretty outfit on display caught her eye. She entered the store.

The saleslady cooed, "It looks beautiful on you miss. Its suits you perfectly."

Sakura swirled around the mirror, wearing a pretty skirt with matching jacket made out of soft pink material, complete to a beret. She really liked it. It made her look bright and cheerful, matching with the spring weather. Yet, she had no place to wear it. Well, that didn't matter. "I'll take it.  I'll like to wear it right now."


"Carrots, onions, curry," Syaoran said to himself as he walked down the town street, carrying a list of materials.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat. Just the person she had been looking for! By any chance, did he...

Looking up, Syaoran called, "Hi!"

"Hey... So, what are you doing?" Sakura asked, nervously.

"Groceries. Ha, a fine thing to do on a nice sunny Sunday, isn't it?" Syaoran replied.

"No, it's fine." Sakura bit her lips. Better than spending a birthday like this.

"Well, see you around." Casually with one hand in his khaki pants pocket, Syaoran walked away.

Sakura wanted to call out "wait," but she couldn't.


In the afternoon, Tomoyo called Sakura again. "Sakura-chan, I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'll make it back until late tonight. I really wanted to spend the day with you."

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