Chapter 34: Beyond the Widest Ocean

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Miho stated calmly, “I came to Japan to find my brother… The brother who left home so many years ago.”

Sakura, Tomoyo, and Syaoran both looked up, surprised.

“Your… brother?” Sakura whispered.

Miho nodded. “I vowed I would find him one day. I don’t know where he is, what kind of hardships and pain he had to face, or if he still wants to see me or even remembers the past… But all I want to do is see him face to face, and know that he is alive and happy.”

Nodding, Kero-chan added, “That’s why Eriol allowed Miho to come by herself. Once she has her mind set to do something, nothing will change it. And she wants to see the Best Couple Contest because tons of people from all over Japan are gathering to visit. And we know that the best way to find someone is go where there’s lotsa people.”

Then, energetically standing up, Miho stated, “I’m going to find him, no matter what, and when I find him, boy wait and see how mad at him I’ll get for leaving me!” She turned around and walked out of the swimming pool before the others could see the tears brimming in her eyes.


“Takashi, all the other people are busy preparing for the contest,” Chiharu said. “Shouldn’t we at least do something?”

Shrugging mildly, Takashi stretched. “Just do it as it comes.”

“Still, I really wanna win this contest… No, even if we don’t win, I want it to be memorable and something I will remember years after… Can’t you be a little more motivated? You’re even worse than Li-kun about it!” Chiharu stared at Syaoran who was grumbling, yet still succumbing to Tomoyo’s wild ideas.

“Hey, did I tell you how the contests originated?” Takashi began.

“I hate it when you make up stories!” Chiharu shouted. “You always never think of what I am thinking; you’re always so selfish and inconsiderate! Take that ridiculous expression off your face! Can’t you ever be sincere about anything? I hate how you never take anything seriously! I hate how you never take me seriously! Most of all, I hate you!” Chiharu stormed off down the beach, throwing a pile of papers into Takashi’s face.

Immediately, Takashi took that ridiculous expression off his face and frowned. He called, “Wait! Chiharu…” Instead of following her as was expected, he slumped down on a stone ledge and sighed. As was expected. Chiharu hated him 

Several hours later, it grew completely dark.

“Chiharu-chan hasn’t come back yet?” Rika asked.

“Where did she go?” Sakura asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since late afternoon,” Rika replied. “Do you know where she is, Takashi-kun?”

Shrugging, Takashi replied, “How should I know?”

“It’s dangerous for a girl to go out walking by herself in the dark,” Aki commented. “There’s many places one can get lost here.”

“I’ll go look for her,” Sakura offered.

“You shouldn’t go by yourself. I’ll go instead,” Eron said.

Smiling, Sakura said, “We’ll both go then.”

“All right. Here. I’ll go get the flashlights,” Eron went to find batteries and flashlights.

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