Chapter 20: Picture the Past Last episode of the New York saga...

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The fire burnt higher and higher above the angry girl's head.


The next morning, New York City...

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT HE/SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE MY MODELING PARTNER?" Syaoran and Sakura shouted at the same time to Mike Kant and pointed accusingly at each other the next morning at the modeling studio. The famous young photographer, Mike Kant sweat-dropped, as they continued in unison, "NO WAY I'M NOT GOING TO BE IN THE SAME PICTURE AS HIM/HER. FORGET THE CONTRACT!"

"Gee, what's wrong with them?" asked Miho, her clear gray eyes filled with mirth.

"Same as usual, I guess," Meirin replied in a bored tone, flipping back her jet-black pigtails. "I would give up my new wardrobe to model with Syaoran, though."

"Naturally, I don't blame Syaoran-kun for not desiring to be in the same picture as Sakura. His great features would be degraded, you know," Erika drawled, examining her perfectly manicured fingernails. Eron glared at his twin sister.

"Of course if you're too scared to take a few pictures, we can always ask Eron-kun to take your place," Tomoyo commented innocently to Syaoran.

"Who says I'm scared. I'll do it!" Syaoran crossed his arms defiantly.

Miho added, "Dear Sakura, I always thought that Erika was prettier—"

"Who says I'm backing out now?" Sakura asked stubbornly.

"That's the spirit!" Mike exclaimed.

"Eriol's Action Plan #8. With the right words, they are so gullible." Tomoyo smiled. Now for some major clicking.


Dressing room...

"I don't think I need all these make-up," Sakura tried to say politely.

The make-up woman clucked, "Nonsense! I've been at this for 10 years. I know what I'm doing. You need this to look good in a picture."

Choking on the powder, Sakura sighed.

"Just stick with the natural look, Mavis," Mike said, observing her critically.

"Exactly what I'm doing," the woman replied, dabbing some more light pink gloss on Sakura's lips.

From the other room, Syaoran was protesting, "Great, my hair feels like rock." For the first time, every single hair was perfectly in place.

"The gel is necessary to bring out the right color highlights and gloss," the hairdresser replied. "Plus, it's gonna be windy up there."

"Where?" Syaoran glared back at his reflection.

Empire State Building...

"Hoe-e! I think I'm getting dizzy." Sakura gazed down from the roof of the hundred story tall Empire State Building. The first part of their contract was pretty simple. Just standing and posing in different clothes for an hour or two in the studio. Plus, it was hopelessly boring and tiring. Now...

"Who's idea was it to do this up here?" asked Syaoran. He swallowed a deep breath of air to steady himself.

"Actually, I suggested it to Mr. Kant," Tomoyo said, her violet hair braided down her back to keep it from blowing into her face as she videotaped the scenario. Sakura and Syaoran: Angelic Models in New York! That's what she'd call the scene. Ecstatically, she thought that Sakura looked beautiful in the fluttering silken white dress, with her glossy light brown hair threaded loosely with dozens of thin satin ribbons. Meanwhile, Syaoran was also dressed in a magnificent dove white, and if he weren't scowling, they would both look like angels of some sort.

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