Chapter 10: Icy Barrier

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"Hoe-e!" Sakura sweat dropped as Tomoyo videotaped her in her newest costume. It was a red velvet jumper with elaborate white lace trimmings. The wide velvet maroon ribbon tied at her chest was decorated with garlands to match the "Christmas Season." Over that was a perfect fitting velvet jacket. Her hair was tied into two high pigtails at each side of her head, tied with matching ribbons to her dress. Kero had a matching ribbon around his neck.

"I hope you're not cold, Sakura-chan. It's really freezing, so there are many petticoats underneath the dress. And, velvet is pretty warm. Since you have such a nice figure, no one would notice that you are wearing 5 layers of underdresses. Besides, that makes the skirt more flouncy. Look there's Syaoran-kun, in his winter battle outfit!" Tomoyo immediately brought out her video camera.

"Syaoran-kun! You're battle outfits different today!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Eh? Yeah." Syaoran's outfit was similar in design, yet it was a darker forest green, made of thicker material, with navy blue trimmings. The Chinese clothes he wore under his battle outfit was black, instead of white. Also, he had on a navy blue cloak. "I don't like getting cold."

"Wow, it looks really nice! I wish you told me. Do you want me to make you battle outfits, too?" Tomoyo asked.

"No! This is the traditional Li clan attire. Uh... slightly altered to match the weather. Anyway, where is this new force?" He closed his eyes to feel for it.

Kero said, "Hmmm... Brat, what are you doing here? It's not like you've even helped Sakura these days. In fact, you just watched last time."

"So?" Syaoran said, and that was that. Kero glared at the Chinese boy. Considering that he likes Sakura, he sure doesn't show it. Of maybe he changed his mind for good. Yet that video made me realize things I never knew about him. I even felt kindly towards the Brat at that time. He really cared for Sakura.

"Umm..." Sakura concentrated. "There! It's there." She pointed to the woods. They all proceeded in running.

"Yikes!" Syaoran slipped on the frozen ground and Sakura bumped into him, while Kero bumped into her. They all slid onto the icy ground with a CRASH!

"Oh dear!" said Tomoyo as she followed from behind. "This won't do if you are going to catch the force. Here. Good thing I brought special ice skates for you two to be able to glide over the ice. Put them on." She handed it to them

"I-ice skates?" Syaoran stared at the shiny blades.

"Hoe-e! Ice skates? I haven't skated since that field trip back in elementary school, when we caught the Freeze!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Neither have I."

"It's okay, you'll manage. Now put them on," Tomoyo was completely confident.

Sakura and Syaoran tried to stand up with their new skates. They both crashed to the floor again.

"I don't think that's a very good idea... Hey! Watch out!" commented Kero.

A whipping rope appeared between them, entwining around Sakura. She managed to stand up and struggled against the rope. Getting the hang of her skates, she wobbled, then took a few glides to escape. She came to a frozen pond. Behind her, Syaoran was struggling to stay on his feet. Meanwhile the rope tried to ravel itself around Sakura. With her staff, she tried to push it back. Yet, it snaked around her bare throat again.

Sakura clenched her eyes as it tightened. I'm getting choked. I'll die.

"Hey, you. Watch out." Syaoran had managed to stagger to the pond as he got the hang of the ice skates. With a slash of his sword, he cut the rope off from Sakura's neck.

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