The Legacy of the Twins: Eron and Erika's Promise

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‘We’ll get you Little Wolf and Cherry Blossom. No one will be able to defeat us, no one. We are the strongest. We have origins deeper than you understand, too smart ones. We will win.’

So we have proclaimed to make the Chosen Two’s life miserable. We have thoroughly bound ourselves into our complex plot. Yet, have we wondered, once in a while, why we are doing this? 


Ten, nine, eight, seven…

Bemused, Chang Eron gazed at the clock. Zero. Sakura and Syaoran burst into the classroom, breathless. As usual, those two had made it to school, just on time. Not that he blamed them for being almost tardy. He doubted that they got much sleep last night, thanks to another one of his mischievous little plots. Yet, the corner of his eyes slightly crinkled to see Sakura and Syaoran fumbling to take out their homework as they muttered stuff like, ‘why didn’t you wake me? Stupid, it was your turn to make the lunches! What did you do with my math homework?’ Since they were staying together, it was evident that they had mixed up their homework. As usual, they were squabbling in a friendly way.

For a second, Sakura caught Eron’s eye. Did she catch him staring at her? Then Sakura smiled widely, her eyes sparkling like an emerald ocean. Eron ignored the fact that his heart skipped a beat and that somehow the classroom seemed warmer. He grinned back his lazy charming smile that he was so used to pulling on when he wanted to impress people and let them fall under his spell. Yet, for some reason he felt so phony and superficial. He watched Syaoran scowl at him, then present his discontent to Sakura. In return Sakura laughed, flicking back her braided golden brown pigtail into Syaoran’s face, who tugged it teasingly.

The teacher cleared his throat and asked calmly, “Li Syaoran, Kinomoto Sakura! Do you find each other more interesting than the lesson?”

“Err, yes Terada-sensei!” Sakura and Syaoran both exclaimed, bolting up from their chairs. Then, they realized what they had said. Everyone tittered. Secretly, Tomoyo was videotaping again, under the desk. They hastened to say, “I mean, no Terada-sensei! Sorry, we’ll pay attention to the lesson!” 


“Erika, who was that?” Eron asked, raising and eyebrow, when he saw Erika waving good bye prettily as a handsome boy she had walked down the hallway with her arms hooked into, entered another classroom.

“A friend…”

“Another ‘friend.’ What happened to the other guy?”

“I don’t need him anymore. I passed the history test, thanks to his notes,” Erika replied carelessly shrugging. She swept her thick shoulder-length violet hair over her shoulder.

Sighing, Eron fingered his long ponytail. “Is it always a good idea to use everyone like that, switching from person to person? I mean, why don’t you just try making them friends instead of discarding them?”

“What are you talking about?” Erika asked, raising her elegant eyebrow.

“I don’t know…” Eron gazed out the school window. Outside, Sakura, Syaoran, and all their friends, Tomoyo Chiharu, Rika, Naoko, Takashi, Aki… everyone had gathered in a circle, eating lunch. They all laughed, gossiped, and generally had a good time with each other, trading parts of their meals and sharing desserts.

Smiling tightly, Erika said, “I don’t need any friends. I have you, onii-chan. You’re the only one I can trust and rely on. I don’t need anyone else. Just my dear twin brother, Chang Eron.”

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