Chapter 8: The Angel of Hallow's Eve

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Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, etc. are about 14 years old right now. They go to Seijou Junior High... Touya and Yukito are in college, and they're about 20-21. Halloween time...


(******)     =     scene change 
(~~~~~~) =    flashback, or the "past" 

She's so far away. She's out of my reach. I let her go. She'll never come back, and I can't do anything about it. I stretch out my hands to where my angel is. Her emerald eyes are downcast, with her long lashes casting a shadow over her cheeks. A single diamond drop of tear falls. The image shatters.

There are two figures standing in the distance. They are laughing at me. First, they took my father, then my cousin. Then they took the Five Force Scroll. Now, they took her from me... But I won't get hurt. I won't fall in despair. For I don't love you anymore, Sakura. You don't need me... I don't need you.

* * * * * *

"LI SYAORAN!!!" A shrill voice shouted.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Syaoran fell off the bed, tangled in his blankets.

Meirin looked over him with scary eyes. "Hmmph. What are you screaming for?"

"Y-your face. It's scary," Syaoran wiped the sweat off his brows and stood up.

"Sheesh. I just came up to wake you up for school, that's all. Did you have a scary dream or something? You look pale."

"Yeah. But please don't scare me like that in the morning. Your face was scarier than my dream. In fact, you shouldn't come into my room without nocking." Syaoran teased, as Meirin pouted. Yet he looked away for a moment. Yes. I will lose her someday. They will take away the one most precious to me.

* * * * * * 

"Did you hear? There's going to be a Halloween/Autumn Festival," Chiharu said.

"Really!!!" Tomoyo clasped her hands together. "Then, it's a great chance for me to make costumes for Sakura-chan and video tape her!"

"Hoe-e," Sakura tried to back away.

"What should it be this year? An angel?"

"Not again?"

"Aren't you guys a little too old to dress up for Halloween?" Syaoran asked.

"No! It's the spirit of things!" Tomoyo retorted.

"The tradition of dressing up for Halloween came from the time when witches and goblins still roamed the earth and..." Takashi popped up.

"Come on. Finish eating your lunch, Takashi-kun," Chiharu said, stuffing a sandwich into his mouth.

"Umgph. And adults dressed up like witches and ghosts so that..." Chiharu proceeded in dragging Takashi off.

"Sakura-chan. Wake up. You've fallen asleep for the tenth time today," Tomoyo said. Sakura blinked, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

* * * * * *

They took it. I know they did... They took the Five Force Scroll. Who ever the enemies are... Sakura brushed her golden brown hair early the next morning. Glancing around, she saw that Kero was not there. Good. Pinching herself to keep awake, she took out her Cards. Wiping swear from her brows, she threw out the Fiery, the Power, and the Illusion. I need more power. I can't even manage to go through a day, let alone go through the training and face the enemies. Please, cards, lend me enough strength to run through the day without collapsing. Please. Placing her hand on the cards, she could feel a warmth at her palm, and it crept up her arm, tingling through her whole body. She was still literally tired, yet the Fiery made her alert, the Power gave her strength, and the Illusion tricked her to think that her body was functioning normally. Thanking her cards, she went down the stairs. If Kero found out what she had done, he would surely flame at her. This was misusing the power of her cards and there surely would be a side effect later on. Yet, the important thing was to be able to carry out a day. 

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