Chapter 26: Living Together

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“So, Sakura-chan! How was your date with Eron-kun yesterday!” Chiharu, Naoko, and Rika demanded at once at school the next day.

“Hoe… it wasn’t a date,” Sakura sweat-dropped.

“What movie did you watch? Was it romantic?”

She sweat-dropped even more. What was the movie about again?

“You girl are so silly,” Syaoran announced, brushing past them. “It’s just a stupid date.”

“So? Then why are you butting in? That’s none of your business! How dumb. Why’d’you follow me to the theater then?” Sakura shouted. She felt hurt that Syaoran acted so uncaring about her feelings.

“Why would I follow you? What’s so special about you anyway? You’re clumsy, a late sleeper, and scared of everything!” As Syaoran said this, he felt reproachful of himself. “Wait—I didn’t mean that—“

“I don’t care! It’s true! But I don’t need you telling that to my face. I hate you Li Syaoran. Get out of my sight!” Sakura turned around in fury.

“Ooohh~ a lover’s quarrel,” Erika commented with an amuse smile.

The teacher interrupted, “Today, we’re going to clean out the old theater for Seijou Junior High’s production.” Everyone groaned. “Come on students. Let’s be efficient!”

The old theater was a mess. Twenty years worth of dust was piles up. The stage had wood splinters on it, the seats were a mess, the curtains were rags, old boxes and props were pile up; it seemed impossible to clean up.

Cough cough. Sakura’s eyes watered from the dust. Her arms were aching from brooming the floor and moving heavy loads.

From behind her, Syaoran walked up and helped her heave out a heavy box. Then he began, “Hey, I'm—“

Briskly, Sakura turned in another direction to dust the floor.

Sighing, Syaoran moved away.

Holding up a box, Erika complained, “This is so heavy. Oops, I dropped it. What shall I do?”

Quietly, Syaoran picked up the contents and heaved it up. “I’ll take it. Go help with the brooming.”

“Thank you Syaoran!” Erika squealed, clasping her hands together.

Snap! To Sakura’s surprise, her broom snapped into two from the pressure she had applied on it.

“Sakura-chan! Your broom!” Tomoyo exclaimed.

“He he he… I’ll go outside for a breath of air. We have P.E. next, right? The dust in the auditorium is killing me,” Sakura said, wiping her forehead with the back of her sleeve.

“I’ll go too.” The two girls exited the auditorium. Outside, the sun was shining. Then they blinked. Was something shining in the sky? Soon, they realized that it was two white doves, carrying a bag with their beaks.

Sakura reached out her hands, as the doves dropped the parcel down. “Hoe-e? What is this?” Tentatively, she looked into the bag. The doves fluttered around her head, and then flew off until they faded into tiny specks in the distant blue sky.

Inside, there was a small chest. On one side was the emblem of a magician’s top head facing upwards, with a circle representing the full moon behind it.

“That’s Kaitou Magician’s symbol,” Tomoyo said. “Wait, here’s a letter attached to it.”

To K.S. and L.S.

Here’s a little present from me. Don’t worry, I’m safe away from Japan and won’t bother you for a while. And it’s not a bomb or anything. Open it together. It’ll be useful. Oh, keep the Five Force Treasures safe. 

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