Chapter 25: Parting Friends

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Meirin looked up, her reddish amber eyes sorrowful. For a moment, she paused, as if hesitating to say something. Then she announced, “I’m going back to Hong Kong.”

Sakura and Syaoran both dropped their chopsticks. “WHAT?!” 


“Why are you leaving to Hong Kong?” Sakura asked, the next day.

“Hmm?” Meirin fastened two ribbons around her buns. “SYAORAN~ We’ll be late for school again!”

“It’s so sudden.”

Turning around, Meirin faced Sakura. “When I was kidnapped by the Kaitou Magician, and attacked by the Joker, and was helpless to do anything when you and Syaoran were sucked into Princess Rosa’s mirror, I realized something. I’m so weak and incompetent to do anything but cause trouble. I don’t even have special powers.”

“That’s not true!”

“When I return to Hong Kong, I’m going to train harder than ever, and become stronger and more able to look after myself. I’m no help… to Syaoran.” She cast her amber eyes down bitterly.

“But, you like him. Don’t you want to be with him?”

“That’s exactly it. It’s better for me to be away from him.”

“Why, suddenly now, though? All those time together…” Sakura glanced up. “Does it have something to do with the Mirror?”

Considering the question, Meirin answered, “Yes, but not completely. Look, it’s not like I’m going away forever or anything. I’m just going away to clear my head.” She smiled brightly. “I know what I’m doing. I’ll come back, okay? Don’t worry about it.”


“Since, fellow classmate, Li Meirin, who was in the role of Juliet in ‘Star-Crossed,’ will be leaving in one week, there will be re-auditions for the role of Juliet,” Terada-sensei announced, and a wave of whispering ran through the students. 

“Meirin-chan! You’re going back to Hong Kong!” Chiharu exclaimed.

“Uh huh.” Meirin nodded. “I miss my home, that’s why…” 

“So, Meirin-chan’s returning to Hong Kong,” mused Tomoyo.

Casting her deep forest green eyes down, Sakura said, “Yet, I feel guilty because…”

“You feel as if it’s because of you?”

Nodding, Sakura replied, “Yes. I feel bad. If I wasn’t staying at their house, actually, if I never met Syaoran-kun…”

“If you never met Syaoran-kun, there would always be an empty place in your heart,” Tomoyo informed her. “I don’t know much, but one thing certain is that Syaoran-kun makes all the difference in your life. For better or worse, I don’t know, but still, don’t put pressure on yourself.”

“Meirin really likes him.”

“That’s why she’s leaving. It’s completely her choice. Didn’t she say she wants to become stronger before she comes back?”

“Still…” Sakura gazed at the pretty green buds on the trees and the colorful flowers blooming on the school grounds. “I think I’ll like to do something nice for her. Let her know that she is appreciated.”

“I think that’s a great idea!”


That night, as Meirin, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Sakura gathered in Tomoyo’s room, basically lazing around, listening to music, designing costumes for the musical (Tomoyo of course), or trying to get some homework done.

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