Chapter 23: Kaitou Magician and the Diamond Necklace

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Li’s apartment complex , early school morning…

Tapping his foot impatiently outside the bathroom, Syaoran shouted across the door, “Are you finished yet?! You’ve been in there an hour!”

“Wait!” Sakura called from inside, the running water drowning her voice.

After another while, Syaoran shouted, “That’s it! If you’re not coming out this second…” He grabbed the doorknob open.

Shrieking, Sakura threw a bottle of shampoo at Syaoran’s face with full power, shouting, “I’M TAKING A SHOWER RIGHT NOW!”

“OUCH!” Syaoran dropped backwards, and the bathroom the door slammed shut.

Yawning, Meirin came out of her bedroom in her light yellow pajamas, and asked, “What’s all the commotion? I can’t get my beauty sleep.”

Rubbing a bruise forming on his forehead, Syaoran stood up from the floor and grumbled, “I’ve been waiting an hour to use my own bathroom.”

Trying to stifle a giggle, Meirin replied solemnly, “And you tried to go in while she’s taking a shower? EWW!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU TRIED TO GO IN WHILE SAKURA’S WAS TAKING A SHOWER!!!”


Finally, Sakura came out of the steaming bathroom in an over-sized blue t-shirt and jeans with ends up folded five times. Her hair was tied into a perfect ponytail high on top of her head with a pretty red ribbon lent by Meirin. “Sorry I took so long, Syaoran-kun. Is your head okay? I didn’t mean to throw the shampoo bottle at your face. (Yeah right, muttered Syaoran fingering his purple bruise.) It’s my first day back to school in a couple of days, so…”

Sakura smiled, the golden highlights in her hair brought out by the new ribbon. Meanwhile, Syaoran sighed in exasperation. She did look good, though. When she first came to their house, a couple of days ago, she looked half dead. Now, she looked like her old self.

“Oh yeah, Meirin-chan, do you mind if I borrow one of your school uniforms?” Sakura asked pleadingly. She hadn’t had time to go pick up some clothes at her house yet. Her foot, though still swollen, was almost healed, with the help of Syaoran’s healing spells. It still hurt once in a while when she was tired, but she could move around almost normally. Still, the incredible pain she had endured the night when she faced the Joker was vivid in her mind, maybe slowing down the process of healing slightly. Yet, Sakura was eager to go back to school, especially after staying home (at the Li’s) for two days. She’d been bored to death.

Jokingly, Meirin asked, “What will you do if I don’t lend you any clothes?”

“Hoe-e.” Looking down at her over-sized clothes, Sakura sighed and pulled up the jeans, which were sagging again. In the past few days, Meirin had wickedly refused to lend her some of her clothes. Instead, she lent Syaoran’s clothes, which were hopelessly big on Sakura. After all, he was taller than her. (“Why does she have to wear my clothes?!” he had protested.)

“After school, we’ll go to your house to pick up some of your stuff,” Syaoran said. “On a second thought, that is, if you promise to limit your time using the bathroom to 30 minutes…”



Tomoyo was thrilled when she heard Sakura’s news at school and turned ecstatic. “What! Your staying with Syaoran-kun?! Sigh. You should have told me that your brother and father and Kero-chan’s all away! You could have stayed at my mansion. There’s plenty of room. Is your ankle all right? I can’t believe it! You’re staying with Syaoran-kun!”

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