Chapter 4: The Camping Trip (2of2)

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Part 2: Till the Sunrise

Around the embers,

The hour has past.

Two pairs of eyes, one of emerald, one of amber,

Gaze straight at each other at last.

With all their souls they pray it's not too late,

To cease the endless curse of hate.

"Look! It stopped raining!" Sakura bolted up and looked out. Sure enough, it was damp and gray, but at least the storm was not brewing.

"Wow, it really did! I wonder how everyone else endured this storm," Tomoyo said. She was tired of sitting on the damp stone floor, without anything to tape.

"Well, we better get out and start finding our way. It would get dark if we wait too long," Eron said. "However, I think that it is not wise for all of us too go out. Two of us should go out and try to find the track, then come back and get the others. That saves everyone some trouble. Besides, I don't think that Erika's leg is good enough to wonder about on. I think I should be one of the ones to go out, because I'm pretty sure I can find my way back easily, and my navigation skills are pretty good. Who else will come with me?"

Everyone except Syaoran murmured in agreement of the plan.

"I don't want to go out in the mud. I'll stay here," Meilin announced.

"Well, I'm not crazy about going out in the mud, myself. Erika is hurt, so that leaves Li-kun or Sakura-chan to go with you," Tomoyo said.

Syaoran scowled. He would hate to face Eron.

"Actually, I would prefer having Syaoran-kun stay with me. You see, he's really good at healing and bandaging wounds, and if my leg gets worse, it would be better to have him with me than Sakura," Erika said, giving a significant look at Eron.

"Okay, it's settled then. You don't mind finding the track with me, do you, Sakura?" Eron was secretly pleased with the arrangement, himself.

"Oh huh? Yeah, that's fine." Sakura had been to busy fuming and as she clenched her fist, she was boiling. Syaoran-kun, indeed. Erika barely knew him. And it took me almost a year to call him by his name. Now, it's back to Li-kun, while she, she... "Hey, wait, Eron-kun! I'm coming!" Grabbing her bag, she followed Eron out of the cave, almost slipping on the mud. Erika smiled smugly. Syaoran was busily crumpling up his assignment paper, thinking he planned it. That creep, Eron planned out to go with Sakura, alone.


As they trotted down the rocky mountain, searching for a path, Sakura gazed sideways at Eron. He certainly is handsome, with the straight nose and melting smile. I like the way his dark hair flows into a ponytailNot many guys can get away with that hairstyle, yet he looks good in it. Plus, he's tall, athletic, smart, and well mannered. Eron turned to her. His hazel eyes were very startling, though. Those golden specks make him look so mysterious, as if he has some big secret. I guess I hardly know anything about him. She cleared her throat and gathered enough courage to start a conversation.

"So, where did you live before you came to Tomoeda district?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, here and there. My sister and I traveled around all over the world, before we came back here."

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