Chapter 32: Believe Me When the Sun Rises

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******  = scene change

~~~~~~ = flashbacks/dreams... anything out of current time line 
Bold letters = quotes from previous chapters. 


“Sakura, wait! Please trust me!” Syaoran reached out for Sakura, as he ran, panting after her lithe figure. Her golden brown hair streamed behind her.

Then she halted, swerving around. Her dark emerald eyes were sorrowful, as well as hard. “Why should I trust you? You’re my enemy!”

“No, Sakura! It’s a mistake. The truth is, the truth is…”

“I don’t want to listen to you! Stop lying to me! Stop hurting me! I don’t need someone like you!”

The words echoed in his head as he watched Sakura turn around and disappear from view. NO! SAKURA! BELIEVE ME!!!


In the stark of night, Syaoran bolted up from his bed. What an unpleasant dream. He wiped the sweat from his brows.

“It’s the truth, though, Little Wolf. You are scared that one day, the Cherry Blossom will leave you. You are scared that she will no longer trust you. Because you have hurt her before. You have betrayed her trust before,” came a deep hollow voice.

Syaoran gazed around him warily. It was pitch black in the hotel suite room. “Who are you?”

“I am the Phantom. I am the fear inside you, which will haunt you. I am inside you.”

“Well, I don’t fear you,” Syaoran replied assuredly, drawing out his sword.

“That is a lie, Brave One. Inside, you are scared. So scared that one day, you might hurt the Cherry Blossom beyond repair. So scared that she might turn to hate you, scorn you, and despise you. You are scared of losing her one day.” That dark voice wrapped around Syaoran, choking him with invisible venom. “Surrender your body to me, Small Wolf. Choose and easier path, free from worry, free from pain. Give me your body for me to control.”

Syaoran trembled, trying to keep the voice from hypnotizing him. “No!”

“I can ensure you that when you give me your body and mind to possess, I won’t kill the Cherry Blossom. There, isn’t it a deal? Now, surrender your cowardly self to me.”

For a moment, Syaoran trembled under the black venom, which seemed to scrape sharp nails into his brain. Then he shouted, “NEVER!”

“What?” Startled, the Phantom backed off. “Silly boy. I told you that you will no longer have to face pain. And I ensured that I won’t kill your beloved Cherry Blossom. What more can you ask for?”

“Ha, you’re the stupid one.” Syaoran grinned at the Phantom. “Don’t you know that I would rather face pain and protect Sakura with my very own hands then be a weak coward who would surrender his body to you, the Phantom?“

“So, you don’t care if you’re hurt? You don’t mind is the Cherry Blossom is endangered?”

“I do care. But I’m not scared of dying for her sake. I would rather be able to watch over her with the knowledge that I can and will do anything for her. And my life is my life. I want to control it and life it.” With these words, Syaoran let out a flare of power raw power.

Groaning, the Phantom backed off. “Surely words, Little Wolf. Don’t now how, but I can’s seem to posses your mind, even by force. Well, I’ll have to find someone else to control…” With this, the Phantom evaporated into the Tokyo night in search for the right person to possess. And several blocks off, he found the perfect man who was internally suffering because of the fear that his daughter might hate him. 

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