Chapter 41: Star-Crossed

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From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life

~Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

  <strong style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; line-height: normal;">Cast of Characters

                NARATOR --- Miho Tanaka

                ROMEO MONTAGUE --- Syaoran Li

                JULIET CAPULET --- Sakura Kinomoto

                COUNT PARIS --- Eron Chang

                ROSALINE --- Erika Chang

                MERCUTIO --- Takashi Yamazaki

                TYBALT CAPULET --- Aki Akagi

                LADY CAPULET --- Chiharu Mihara

                LADY MONTAGUE --- Rika Sasaki


                                                (Other important Characters)

                LORD CAPULET

                LORD MONTAGUE



                PRINCE ESCALES


                PRODUCER --- Tomoyo Daidouji



“It’s pretty amazing how they could manage such a large scale musical,” Yukito commented, as they took their seat after intermission. “Say, you’re surprised by your sister, right?”

”Yeah, I guess Sakura did give me a surprise. That little monster not telling me anything about it,” Touya grumbled. “We never did anything this advanced when we were their age. Everyone’s so on top of things.” The house lights dimmed once more as the intermission ended.

“It’s really evident how much work all the students put into this production," Yukito stated.

“Eriol, doesn’t ‘Romeo and Juliet’ have a kissing scene?” Nakuru asked.

“I believe it does,” Eriol replied, smiling as he took a furtive sideways glance and Touya.

In return, Touya glared at Nakuru.

“Shhh…” the people around them shushed as the orchestra began playing the theme piece as the second half of the musical started.


 “Due to their parents’ undying hatred towards each other’s families, Romeo and Juliet were forced to meet in secret, and were always in danger of being discovered,” Miho narrated as Part Two of Star-Crossed unfolded. “Yet, the precious time spent together were the best moments of Romeo and Juliet’s lives, as they realized how much they missed out until then; they had not truly lived until they met each other.”

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