Chapter 11: Say Goodbye (To Yesterday)

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It will be a long winter, maybe full of hurt and confusion for Sakura... It may be time to say good bye to all the past sunshine. Yet, yet the winter will be over when spring comes once more. ^_^ 

"No, Meirin. Read my lips. I am certainly not going to ice skate," Syaoran slipped away his arms from Meirin.

Their class was on a field trip, which happened to be at the ice skating rink.

"Come on, be a sport!" Meirin persistently grabbed onto his jacket.

"I do not like cold places!"

"Achoo!" Sneezing, Meirin muttered, "Neither do I. But no need to be grouchy."

"Wow, look!" There was a hush among the students as they watched Erika and Eron on the rink, as they glided along gracefully.

"They could be in the Olympics," awed Chiharu.

"The Olympics started when..." Takashi started.

"Oh shut up."

"Strange, but these days, I never seem to get beyond my first sentence." Takashi tried to look hurt and disappointed, with sad puppy eyes—if he did have any eyes.

Chiharu relented, "Oh fine. I'll listen to you if you promise to take me somewhere."


Chiharu stared back beseechingly, clasping her hands tightly. "The biggest event this winter."

"Which is?"

"You're impossible. The Winter Wonderland, of course!"

"Oh. Then, you'll listen to my story?" He gave a grin.

"If you ask me very nicely, I will."

"Okay then." Kneeling down on the ice rink, he raised a hand and asked gallantly, "Chiharu, may I have the honor to ask you to the Winter Wonderland?" He spoiled the image by slipping and sliding flat on his face at Chiharu's feet.

"Yes, even if you are the most unromantic person I've ever met," Chiharu accepted sarcastically as she slapped her forehead, yet managed to smile. 

"Hanyaan. It's so sweet how those to always bicker." Sakura sighed by the benches. She fiddled at her white skate laces.

Skating towards her, Tomoyo asked, "Aren't you going to skate?"

Shaking her head, Sakura answered, "No thank you. I've had enough skating experiences. Being frozen, back in elementary, drowning few days ago— that's enough."

"You can't drown from a rink."

"I'm not taking any chances. I think I've had quite enough of winter."

Gliding over, Eron said, "Come on, Sakura-san. Don't you like skating? You always roller blade to school."

Before she could protest, he took her hands and led her to the rink.

"Hey!" Sakura squealed, wobbling.

"Hey what? Come on, let's have some fun," Eron said, his hazel eyes brilliant.

Sakura brushed back her wispy golden brown hair and succumbed to Eron's persistence. Yet, her knees wobbled as she recollected the thin ice and being trapped underneath. She closed her eyes, trying to maintain balance.

CRASH! Bumping into someone, she fell flat on her bottom.

"Hey, watch out!" Syaoran exclaimed, trying to get up, and slipping on the ice again. Steadily shifting his weight onto his leg, he quavered then stood. Then he fell flat back down since Sakura was stepping on his skate lace. In a huff, he got up and glided off.

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