Chapter 22: No More Solitude

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 Life was busy for Seijou Junior High students, especially Sakura’s grade. Along with school work, after school music and sports practices, and ‘Star-Crossed’ musical rehearsals, they also had to prepare for the Spring Carnival.

“This year, we would be a little unique,” Tereda-sensei had said. “We’re going to hold something like a Circus Carnival. Magicians, acrobats, clowns… Plus, we are raising money for the children’s hospital, therefore this a very important cause. I hope that everyone would be willing to help and participate to their fullest potential. It is going to be hard work, I know, since it overlaps with so many other things such as the musical, but I know our grade can pull it through fine.”

There was another buzz of excitement through the class. It seemed that these days, nothing was calm and organized. Everyone eagerly looked at the slip of paper that their teacher was handing out, telling each of their roles.

“Hoe-e, I’m an acrobat,” Sakura said, staring at a slip of paper that their teacher gave her.

“So am I,” Meirin said.

“I’m sure you two will pull together something marvelous,” Naoko said. Sakura and Meirin were one of the best gymnasts in their school. “I’m just a popcorn seller. I’m glad though. No extra stress. You know I’m awful at PE.”

“What is this? I don’t want to be a magician!” Syaoran said.

“Do you want to switch with me?” Takashi asked brightly, holding his paper up.

“What are you?”

“A clown.”

Everyone laughed. Chiharu commented, “Fits you perfectly!”

“Well, what are you?” Takashi asked.

Slowly, Chiharu unfolded her slip of paper. “A… Clown?”

There was more giggling. “Are you a magician, too? How romantic!” Erika exclaimed, peering over Syaoran’s shoulder. “Do you know any tricks? I think Eron got the magician part, also. I’m a ringmaster.”

Soon, they found out that Eron, Syaoran, and Tomaki (who everyone called “Aki-kun” for short) were chosen to be magicians, possibly one of the challenging yet interesting roles in the Circus. They had to learn sleight of hand, coordinate with pigeons, cards, flowers, and numerous tricks to amuse the audience.

In a look that asked, ‘you mean I have to work with him?’ Syaoran drooped his head down. It was enough trouble facing Eron during class time, soccer practice, and musical rehearsals. Great, even the Spring Circus Carnival…


Even though it was hard work for everyone, the Circus kept everyone amused during the tedious school day, especially since many girls were jittery before White Day, wondering if the boy of their dreams would give them a white rose.

To practice, Sakura and Meirin pranced down the hallways, turning cartwheels and flips to the awe of many not so athletic students. Takashi amused everyone with his arduous training as a clown by picking up a pencil, eraser, ruler, calculator, and pencil sharpener to juggle them and catch them with deftly one hand. For the first time in his life, he had to actually practice tediously and patiently at something, refusing to give up. This time, he couldn’t slip away with his wicked tongue. However, Chiharu struggled to juggle even two objects.

Meanwhile, Eron charmed all the girls with his smooth little tricks. “Didn’t wash your ear today?” he asked, pulling a coin out of Tomoyo’s ear.” Eron was best with flower tricks, and many girls flipped head over heels when he produced a rose out of apparently nowhere. At this Syaoran scowled, staring at a pile of magic trick books on his table. He refused to look at them because he believed that magicians just used illusions and trickery.

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