Chapter 50: A Winter's Conundrum (1of2)

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The Prophesy of the Riddle:

On the night the lone wolf calls,

And the angel’s feather falls,

Through icy cliffs, the raging gale

Echoes the forlorn mother’s wail.

Vengeance sought and powers lent,

Children found and contracts bent;

Wind blows and the cherry blossom branches shake,

Woods divide and the eye of the dragon will wake.

Desperate times summon forces combined;

Moon rises, circle rejoined, blood intertwined,

Moon wanes, eye cracks, world goes round;

Two conceived lost forever would once more be found.

Shadowing the golden stars way up high,

Thunderclouds loom ominous in the distant sky,

But the lone star will shine again

As the years brush by with the rain.

To capture me, the wisest one,

Is a daunting feat, if can be at all done.

Foolish one, to dare challenge me,

Prove your wit to find me,

And I shall humble you gladly.


Part I: The night before…

Lying awake on her bed, Tanaka Miho once more recalled the challenge of the Riddle, set out to her weeks ago. Rolling over on the slippery satin bed sheets, she reached over for her notebook lying on her nightstand and switched on the lamp carved out of green crystal, imported from 


. A warm orange light illuminated the bedroom, a room which any girl would dream of, from the exquisite gold-framed mirror and her polished mahogany wood bureau to the richly dyed tapestry hanging from the walls, souvenir from Eriol’s trip to 


She tapped her pen tip on the leather cover of her notebook. On the night the lone wolf calls, and the angel’s feathers fall… She had almost completed her challenge riddle; now she just had to locate the dark force, which chose to appear and disappear at its own will. But where? An icy cliff… It must be somewhere high, on some mountains, she concluded.

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