Chapter 46: Spinner of Cobwebs

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If one listened carefully enough during break times, especially when passing down the second floor hallway near the Seijou Junior High music room, a tender, sterling voice singing a hauntingly beautiful tune could be heard. If the rapt student or teacher stepped closer to the music room and listened more intently to the soprano voice with a marvelous range, he would soon become mesmerized by the captivating, yearning sound and feel nostalgic for the tangy, salty sea breeze of a summer morning or the faint, fresh smell of mist upon the evergreen hills of fairies. Finally, if that person became overcome by curiosity and peaked into the music room, he would see that a willowy, pale girl with soulful violet eyes and long dark hair which rippled down her back in luscious curls was the owner of that incredible voice. Then, he would marvel at how such a powerful, sensitive voice could come from such a frail looking girl.

Hiiragizawa Eriol experienced all this one early Monday morning before classes started, in the midst of wandering down the hallway in his broodings. It was by chance he passed by the music room when he heard someone sing, if it could be called singing—it was more like the sound of waves crashing upon the shores or the wind rustling through the treetops, for it created the same soothing, calming effect. Immediately, the frown that creased his forehead disappeared, and he stood by the slightly open music door, attentive, listening with his eyes closed.  

When the song came to an end, Eriol opened his eyes again and clapped heartily.

The singer looked up, startled; Daidouji Tomoyo had been too intent in singing to notice her audience. “Eriol-kun?”

“Your voice has developed since I last heard it,” Eriol commented, walking into the music room. “It’s grown even more beautiful.”

At this, Tomoyo blushed slightly; she wasn’t sure whether to take the compliment seriously or not. “I’ve just been practicing for the upcoming National Junior High School Music Festival; I’ll be entering the vocal category in the competition.”

Smiling, Eriol said, “It’s amazing how you’re always busy with one project or another; it’s so soon after the incredible Star-Crossed production, and here you are, already preparing for another great event. And you always find time for your friends also. I envy how you’re so hard working and dedicated.”

“It’s not that big of a deal,” Tomoyo replied. “I enjoy all the things I do, so it doesn’t seem like ‘work’ at all.”

“That’s what I admire about you, Tomoyo-san.” Eriol said, sitting down on the piano bench and looking over the music scores to the song that Tomoyo had been singing, “Scarlet.” Then, he positioned his hands over the keys and began to play the piano accompaniment to the piece.

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