Chapter 1: Tesseract Stolen

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3rd Pov

In an dessert area there was a helicopter flying towards a building where people was being evacuating for some reason. As the helicopter lands there was an person standing right in front of it, as the doors opens it revealed to be S.H.I.E.L.D.S. agent Maria Hill and the director Nick Fury as they walk over to someone by the name of Phil Coulson.

Fury: How bad it is? 

Coulson: That's the problem, sir. We don't know.

They soon walked into an elevator as it started to descend to a lower floor, as now there are walking pass some scientist and security.

Coulson: Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the tesseract four hours ago.

Fury: NASA didn't authorize Selvig to go test phase.

Coulson: He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous event.

Maria: It just turned itself on? 

Fury: Where are the energy levels now?

Coulson: Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered evac.

Fury: How long to get everyone out? 

Coulson: Campus should be clear in the next half-hour. 

Fury: Do better. 

Fury and Maria leaves Coulson as they now walk down some stairs into another floor.

Maria: Sir, evacuation may be futile.

Fury: We should tell them to go back to sleep? 

Maria: If we can't control the tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance. 

Fury: I need you to make sure that phase 2 prototypes are shipped out. 

Maria: Sir, is that really a priority right now? 

Fury: Until such time as the world ends, we will act though it intends to spin on. Clear all tech below. Every piece pf phase 2 on a truck and gone.

Maria: Yes sir. *walks pass him*

Fury walks into a room as he looked at Dr. Selvig.

Fury: Talk to me, doctor. 

Selvig: Director.

Fury: Is there anything we know for certain?

Selvig: The tesseract is misbehaving. *walks towards Fury*

Fury: Is that supposed to be funny? 

Selvig: No it's not funny at all.  The tesseract is not only active, she's....behaving.

Fury: I assume you pulled the plug.

Selvig: She's on energy source. We turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..

Fury: We prepared for this, doctor. harnessing energy from space.

Selvig: But we don't have the harness. My calculations are far from complete. And she's throwing off interference radiation. Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation.

Fury: That can be harmful. Where's Agent Barton?

Selvig: *scoffs* The Hawk? Up in his nest as usual. 

Clint was high up looking at what's everyone doing.

Fury: Agent Barton, report.

Clint soon rope down and walks towards Fury. 

Fury: I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things. 

Clint: Well, I see better from a distance. 

Fury: Have you seen anything that might set this thing off?

As they was talking the tesseract started to spike up again as it started to make the whole area shake. Soon the tesseract shot out a portal that made one person in as the security walks toward the person slowly and carefully the person lift up his head to reavel to himself as Loki the god of mischief.

Fury: Sir, please put down the spear. 

Loki soon fire the spear at Fury but Clint moved him out of the way as the security shots at Loki the bullets didn't affect him and his kills them with ease. As he soon walks up to Clint who got up from the ground as he hold his hand with the gun.

Loki: You have heart. 

He soon pressed the tip of the spear on Clint's chest as let the power controls him as Clint put his gun down as Fury watched in shocked. As Loki kept on mind controlling the alive people Fury placed the tesseract in a case and tries to walk away.

Loki: Please don't. I still need that.

Fury: This doesn't have to get messy.

Loki: Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.

Selvig: Loki, brother of Thor.

Fury: We have no quarrel with your people.

Loki: An ant has no quarrel with a boot.

Fury: Are you planning to step on us? 

Loki: I come with glad tidings of a world made free.

Fury: Free from what?

Loki: Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart *tapped Selvig in the chest with the spear* you will know peace.

Fury: Yeah you say 'peace,' I kind of think you mean the other thing. 

Clint: Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow and drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us. 

Fury: Like the pharaohs of old.

Selvig: He's right. The portal is collapsing in on itself. We've got maybe two minutes before this goes critical. 

Loki: Well then.

Clint soon shot Fury as he dropped the case that holds the tesseract, as Loki and the other was leaving Clint grabbed the case as gave it to Selvig as they lead Loki ona  truck as Maria was told that Barton was turned by Fury and tries to stop them but the escape as Fury limps away. As Barton and the others was trying to escape agents soon was driving after them as Loki fired at one with his spear and the car flipped over. Soon Maria appears in front of them and started firing his gun at Clint who was firing his too, with Fury he made it out and got onto the helicopter. Back with Clint and Maria, Clint soon stepped on the gas and moved Maria's car behidn him as he kept on forward, soon the portal soon exploded causing the building to crumbles into the ground. Clint soon got out of the crumbling building as the helicopter that hold Fury stopped them and started firing at the car before Loki fired his spear at the copter and sent it into the ground as Fury jumps out last minute.

Coulson: Director. director Fury, do you copy? 

Fury: The tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill? 

Maria: A lot of men still under. I don't know how many survivors. 

Fury: Sound a general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for the briefcase.

Maria: Roger that. 

Fury: Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven. As of right now, we are at war.

Coulson: What do we do?

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