Chapter 42: Finding Jarvis

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Evander's Pov

We're back in Tony's lab to find out what had happen and how Ultron came to be. 

Bruce: All of our work us gone. Ultron cleared and used the internet to escape.

Steve: Ultron.

I look to my right as Alexander was looking at a computer screen.

Alexander: He's been inside everything. The files, surveillence. Hell, that bastard probably knows more about us than we know about each other. *looks at me* Bro you did the thing yet?

Evander: Been did that.

Steve: Did what?

Evander: I had Drew wipe any files of me and Alexander that Stark had just in case shit like this happens. And pulse I have seen Terminator and other movies where the A.I. goes rouge and want to kill everyone on. And how do they do it?

Maria: Nuclear codes.

Evander: Bingo.

Rhodey: Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can. 

Natasha: Nukes? He said he wanted us dead.

Steve: He didn;t say 'dead;. He said 'extinct'.

Clint: he also said he killed somebody. 

Maria; there wasn't anyone else in the building.

Evander: *realizes* Wait there was Stark.

Tony: Way ahead of you kid.

Tony then showed us what left of Jarvis.

Bruce: This is insane.

Steve: Jarvis was the first line of defense. He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense.

Bruce: No. Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy. This is rage.

Thor soon walked in and pick up Tony by his throat.

Alexander: Oi cool it thunder god.

Clint: it's coming around.

Tony: Come on, use your words buddy. 

Thor: I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark. 

Evander: Thor. The legionnaire.

Thor soon let go of Tony as he tells us that Ultron took the scepter. And a bid of back and forth for what Tony and Bruce did.

Tony: We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day, but that up there that's...That's the endgame. How were you guys planning on beating that? 

Steve: Together.

Tony: We'll lose.

Steve: Then we'll do that together, too. 

Evander: Look Thor is right. Ultron is calling us out. And we need to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller. And I have to call a few people.

I soon walks away from the group a bit as I pull out my phone and call my mum first.

Angel: Evander?

Evander: Hey mum, look something came up at the tower and it's an Avenger threat. I might not come back for a few days.

Angel: Okay, make sure you and Alex be careful now.

Evander: I will, bye. *hangs up* Now for the hard one...

I soon called Cassandra and she answers.

Cassandra: Hey babe what's up?

Evander: Well.....something came up and I'll be gone for a few days and you need to stay and look after Aerith.

Cassandra: I can have my mom watch her and I can come with you.

Evander: No you can't you isn't ready yet.

Cassandra: How come I'm not ready but your clone is coming with you?!

Evander: Cause she's somewhat more experience than you.

Cassandra: Evander Garry Axe I swear to god if you don't take me with you I will rain hell upon yo-

I hanged up the phone knowing I'll be dead when I see her again as I walk back to the others as we started out search for looking for Ultron

(The Next Day)

We've been searching for Ultron all night and haven't found anything anything on him I was with Natasha, Alexander, Tony, and Bruce as Steve walks towards us.

Evander: What's that?

Steve: A message. Ultron killed Strucker.

Alexander: *looks at the photo* And he wrote an lovely message on the wall for us. He's just fucking sweet

Tony: he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us. 

Evander: You created him Stark.

Tony: I know.

Natasha: This is a smoke screen.  Why send a message when you've just given a speech?

Steve: Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss.

Natasha: Yeah, I bet he..Yeah. Everything we had on Strucker's been erased.

Evander: Not everything.

We all then look through some old files that was on Strucker. After some digging we found someone by the name of Ulysses Klaw as he took some vibranium from a place called Wakanda, the very same place where the materials was from to make Steve's shield.

Evander: Okay Klaw is in a salvage yard of the African Coast

Steve: Okay, everyone suit up.

We all then leaves the room to suit up and to make our way to Africa.

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