Chapter: 86: Saving Alexander, Wanda, and Vision

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Evander's Pov

(Edinburgh, Scotland. April 2018. Evander's Age: 21)

Me, Cassandra, and the kids are in Scotland because she wanted to visit and spend sometime there. Now I was taking a small nap while Cassandra was taking care of the twins and Aerith as my spider sense somewhat went off as I yelled a bit waking myself up.

Evander: *panting a bit* The hell?

Cassandra: Evander sweetie what happened?

Evander: My spider sense went off for some reason....I don't know why?

Cassandra: Weird. That sense suppose to went off when danger is about to come.

Evander: But we haven't dealt with anything for two years .

Cassandra: Well it must be telling you something bad is going to happen then.

Evander: *sighs* I just hope nothing bad is going to happen at all.

Then my phone went off as I walked over and picked it up and answered it.

Evander: Hello?

Steve: Evander, I need your help. Your sister and Wanda hasn't checked in fir a while and I need you and Cassandra to help Sam, Natasha, and Pietro to find them.

Evander: I'll go help. Cassandra need to watch Aerith.

Steve: Roger that, come to the quinjet and we'll head out.

Evander: Okay. *hangs up*

Cassandra: What's up?

Evander: My sis and Wanda haven't called or checked in with any of us and Steve wants me to go with them.

Cassandra: I can come.

Evander: No you is watching the kids cause I can't make no clones.

Cassandra: Fine.

I kissed Cassandra on the cheek and changed into my suit and leaves the apartment.

(Fourteen Minutes Later)

After meeting up with the others we started to track where Wanda and Alexander is at and it said their in a train station. After two minutes I was standing on the other sides of the track and saw that Alexander and Wanda was fighting two aliens. A train went passed as one of the aliens spotted me and throws her spear but I caught it with ease.

Evander: *chuckles* Light work.

I walked out of the shadows and saw Wanda and Alexander smiled at me, as Sam flies in and kicked the female alien down as I toss the spear to Natasha as she fights the other alien as she fights the other alien and stabbing him in the process. The spear went back to the female alien ad went to attack Natasha but I came in and blocked the attack, as Steve jumps in and him and Natasha took down the female alien as Pietro runs in and  kicked her down. We all then walked up to the two aliens.

Female Alien: Get up.

Male Alien: I can't.....

Natasha: We don't want to kill you, but we will.

Female alien: You'll never get the chance again.

She then activated a beam and disappeared into a space ship, once the ship disappears we went to go help Vision.

Vision: Thank you Evander, Captain.

Evander: It's nothing man.

Alexnader: Uh bro where's Cass?

Evander: I got it.

I then texted Cassandra to come to where I'm at and soon a portal appeared but kinda far away from us as Cassandra with the kids walked out of it.

Cassandra: Evander?

Evander: Over here!!

I watched as Cassandra turned her head and sighed and walked over to us.

Cassandra: You know I'm still somewhat recovering from having the twins.

Evander: I know I know.

Alexander: Uh bro, what's with the babies?

Cassandra: Alex you fucking idiot these babies are you new nephew and niece.

Alexander: H-huh?

Cassandra: Yeah asshole.

Evander: Cass, stop. Let's just get in the jet and head home.

We all then walks into the jet and we then  started making our way back to New York.

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