Chapter 100: Vormir 2014

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Clint's Pov

(Vormir 2014)

After a long flight in space we made it to the planet called Vormir as it holds the Soul stone. Me and Natasha soon stand up and looked back.

Clint: Under different circumstances this would be awesome.

Natasha: *nods*

(Ten Minutes later)

After landing on the planet, we walk up the mountains and continue on walking until we made it to the top.

Natasha: I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain.

Clint: Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know?

Natasha: Oh whatever. He east garbage.

???: Welcome.

We both turned around as I pulled out my sword and Natasha pulled out her guns as we saw a person with a red skull and a black cloak.

Red Skull: Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith.

Natasha: Who are you?

Red Skull: Consider me as a guide to you and to all who seeks the Soul stone.

Natasha: Oh good. You tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way.

Red Skull: If only it were that easy.

Red Skull then leads us towards the edge of the mountain and tells us the only way to get the Soul stone is for one of us have to die; a soul for a soul he told us. Me and Natasha back off to take a minute to think about it all.

Clint: Alright, how do we know this guy is telling the truth?

Natasha: He is.

Clint: Why? Because he said your father's name? 

Natasha: No. Thanos left here with the stone and not his daughter, that's not a coincidence.

Clint: Yeah that's true.

Me and Natasha then remember what Evander said before he left for 2012.

Natasha: Whatever it takes.

Clint: *sighs* Whatever it takes.

Natasha: *walks to me* If we don't get that stones billions of people stay dead. 

Clint: Well, I guess we both know who's it gonna be.

Natasha: I guess we do.

Clint: I'm starting to think we thinking of different people Natasha.

Natasha I've been waiting for five years to get this moment. For five years, that's all it's been about bring everyone back.

Me and Natasha started arguing about who has more blood on their hands as i told her it would be me so I can do something right for my family. As we also argue which one of us should give our life for the Soul stone. We then put our foreheads together as I grabbed Natasha and throw her to the ground.

Clint: Tell me family I love them.

Natasha soon flipped me over and used her stingers on me and started running towards the edge. I mange to break free from the stingers as I fired an explosive arrow near it which it knocked her back; I toss my bow aside and started running the edge and jumped off but Natasha grabbed onto me and fired a grippling hook at some rocks. As it knocked her back but I caught her.

Clint: Damn you.....*tries to moves but stopped* Wait...

Natasha: It's okay.

Clint: Please....

I watched Natasha pushed herself out of my hand and falls down to her death. Then an bright light covered my eyes as I blacked out, then I woke up and saw that I was still on Vormir but in a small lake as I get up and felt something in my hand as it was the Soul stone. I started to cry for a couple of minutes but I wiped my face and activated my suit and went back int the quantum realm.

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