Hell's Belle's

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AN: Everyone dies eventually but the way you experience the after life is based on your actions, (ONCE AGAIN ALL CREDIT TO SEA.YAHLATER FOR THE HELLS BELLES CHARACTERS FROM TIKTOK I JUST LOVE THEM AND WANT TO INCLUDE THEM IN MY STORIES THOUGH THIS IS GONNA BE A TOUCH DIFFERENT) (ALso I don't know her/their? username but credit to the martha/death creator as well)

Lena's POV

I knew I was going to die. That isn't a bad thing. I lived a long and happy life with Kara. We had three wonderful kids Alexandra, Kieran, and Liam and they gave us our wonderful grandbabies, who we loved with our entire hearts and beings. 

I was 93 and it was my time and I was lucky enough to go peacefully in my sleep a week after seeing Kara and my entire family.

Kara went two years ago also peacefully, my heart was broken when she did but I knew she would want me to keep going until it was my time and not a minute sooner and I would see her on the other side. 

What I was not expecting when I died was to be face-to-face with a Wednesday Addams look-alike, I was even more surprised when I found out she was Wednesday Addams. 

She explains what I already knew that I was dead and she would be taking me to the afterlife and she asked me if I would want to go through the Catholic judgment system or Universal. I hadn't been a practicing Catholic since my mom died so I asked for Universal. 

I knew I wasn't perfect during my life but I also knew I had done a lot of good. 

After judgment, Wednesday didn't tell me the end results but led me to a desk by a big gate. 

There is a bubbly blonde behind the desk. 

"Welcome back Wednesday, who is this?" She asks with a bit of shock in her tone at the sight of me. I take it that this isn't usual. 

"Enid, this is Lena Luthor." Recognition immediately crosses her face and I am a bit worried that I may not be going where I initially thought. 

"Ah, Mrs. Luthor we have been excited for your arrival." She glances at a file I hadn't noticed before "Before Wednesday takes you on you have the option, and you can change this in the future, but would you like to keep your appearance as it was when you did or switch it to a specific age?" 

"Oh- I have that option?" I say a bit startled that I get to choose. The blonde nods. "Well, I miss being young and spry so how about when I was 25?" I was in the best shape of my life back then and not that I am out of shape now but I miss not having my bones pop when I stand. 

Enid snaps and I look down and find the body of 25-year-old me. "Alrighty, now that that is settled you can follow Wednesday down."

"Down?" I question as I follow Wednesday. 

"It is a formality no need to worry you won't be there long." 

I nod and after a minute of walking I say "You know Wednesday can I ask you something?" 

"Yes, but I can't promise the answer you are hoping for," she says in her normal monotone voice. 

"I thought death would take me to the afterlife, not, and please don't take this the wrong way, a TV show character with a worse emotional range than teenage me?" 

"Thank you for the compliment on my emotional range. And as for Death they are currently on their honeymoon with Martha and are letting Enid and I take over until they are back. Death granted me all their powers and in all forms except the name I am Death until they decide to return." 

My eyebrows furrow as I try and figure out who the hell Martha is and how the hell they convinced Death to marry her but it's not my business. 

We hit a stairwell and slowly climb down a couple of floors before being spat out into a reception room of some kind that seems to be right before the literal gates of hell. 

Well, this is something new. But as Kara said don't judge a book by its cover or others' opinions. If she had done that we never would have ended up together

I see a young person, no older than 12 in a shark onesie sitting behind a desk brushing their teeth as we approach they yell "Wednesday! Good to see you! Whenever Death and Martha are back you have to come visit Cupcake she misses you quite a bit."

I am shocked to see Wednesday's honest to god smile as I question "Cupcake?" 

"Oh sorry, Cupcake is my dragon" The person explains. 

"Oh yes that is perfectly normal," I say trying to mask my concern. 

"My paradise is filled with crazy animals like Cupcake. Mostly sharks but a bit of everything." the girl explains as she looks down at the desk in front of her "Now where is your file..." 

"No file Sharkie. This is Lena." 

"Ah, of course, stand on that smile face for me and keep your arms in tight to your body." 

I step on the smiley face and before I can question the ground drops from under me and I am on a slide going down and down and down. 

I squeeze my eyes shut and hope for this to finally be over. I mean thankfully I wasn't going through the gates of hell but going downward doesn't seem like a much better option.

I finally land and find myself face-to-face with two old friends. 

"LENA!" Harley yells before pulling me into a hug. 

I smile and hug her back as I pull Ivy into the hug along with Harley. 

I laugh at my two old friends and say "Harley I can't say I am surprised to find you here but Iv, after all your environmental work I would hope the universe wouldn't send you here." 

"Oh I did fight for good things but my methods were not the best but we served our time and now Harley runs level 8 torture and Persephone let me take over her spring job when she wants to spend time doing other things for the 6 months out of the underworld," Ivy explains and she says it in a much calmer tone than she really should have. 

"Yeah, that seems like a totally normal explanation," I say puzzled. "You guys only died..."

"6 months ago for you. Once you have died though time works very differently." Harley says easily "It feels like closer to a couple of years since we have arrived."

"Where- Where is Kar-?" 

Before I can finish my question Wednesday drops from the slide and brushes the dirt off of herself as she says "Sorry to drop in on this conversation but Sharkie jumped the gun with sending you down here." 

"Okay all is well these are old friends of mine." I explain simply. 

"Really? This miscrients? I thought you had better taste then to associate with this crazy clown." Wednesday says in a teasing tone.

"At least I never got caught and shipped off to a school by my mommy and daddy" 

"At least I didn't get sent to a insane asylum by a bat theamed here with no real powers." 

Harley starts to charge Wednesday but Ivy holds her back with some plants and Wednesday's attention is already back on me as she says "Sorry about the detour after getting more information from Sharkie we are actually in the wrong section of the afterlife." 

"So I am not supposed to be in hell?" 

"No you never were. Kara works here at the hellp desk as well as training with the troops when she is bored and wants to punch something. Alex usually helps her," The relief on my face must have finally processed in Wednesdays mind "Ah- I forgot to mention the results of your universal judgement and literally took you to hell which can be very confusing. I apologize. Let me explain" Wednesday snaps and we are transported to a room I recognize as Kara's childhood home that I saw a version of on Argo City. "You have been granted a paradise but the universe realize you want a combined paradise which we don't often grant but made an exception in this case." 

She finishes as she gestures to her right where I see the love of my life walk out from behind a corner. "Hey Le, I missed you love" 

I run forward and pull her into a deep hug and say "I missed you too darling," the rules of how this works hit me from all of our past lives and experiences "And if I remember correctly we have eternity to spend together." 

AN: I hope this was cute and u enjoyed it

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