Help me

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AN: Hi I haven't written an emotionally damaging chapter for a hot minute and I apologize in advance (I don't think this is as bad as others but it is on the sadder side) It is inspired by One Piece, I have loved this anime since I was a little kid and this scene always made me cry really hard cause it's emotionally damaging (it's at the end of the live actions last episode if you want to watch the show the scene is in the show but you can also youtube Nami asks for help one piece and it will show up right away


3rd Person pov

Alura sits in the wreckage of her own making staring down at her bloody hands. 

Her mom's blood. She had nearly killed her mom in the blind rampage that the kryptonite forced her into. 

No that's a lie. Kryptonite didn't make her do anything... Like Lillian said red kryptonite brings out your darkest desire. 

Alura reaches up and digs my hands into my shoulder and rips the stone out. 

She feels the blood almost instantly come out of the wound and start to heal slowly. 

All Alura wants is for the pain to stay. She deserves pain. After what she just did to National City she deserves to be dead. Why hasn't her mom's killed her yet? That was the right thing to do. She was hurting people. Stealing, destroying, and hurting people.

Alura hits herself still not fully in control of her rage but it is better to hurt herself than the crowd of people who are starring in horror at their supposed "hero" 

A hand catches her fist before she can land another hit. She sees her Mom standing above her with her arm in her hand. She isn't saying anything which is somehow worse to Alura. She deserves to be screamed at, disowned, thrown away, and locked up in a deep dark hole forever. 

"Are you okay?" 

"What does it matter..." 

"You are my daughter Alura." I scoff "Alura red kryptonite makes you act like a completely different person. It twists your thoughts and perception of everything. What you did was completely out of your control." 

"But Lillian-" Alura says as tears start to fall down her face. Her parents never explained what Lillian really did to them when they were younger and Alura made the mistake of reaching out to try and get to know her Grandma and got kidnapped and drugged with Kryptonite in the process. 

"Whatever Lillian told you it does is a lie. She is manipulating bitch who has been trying to destroy our family since before I meet your mama." Kara says dropping down to her knees in front of her daughter. "We never told you about how horrible she was because we were trying to save you from the heartache that she has caused us all."

Alura falls into her mom's arms and sobs crying as she apologizes over and over again. As soon as Lena arrives and sees them she is by their side in an instant holding her daughter close at the same time as her wife. 

Alura looks up at her parents and says "Please help me make it better" 

Kara nods and places a kiss on her forehead as she says "Of course" 

She takes off and meets up with Carol, Wanda, Harley, Kate, Ivy, and Yelena outside of the hideout they knew Lillian was in. 

Kara was injured pretty badly from fighting Alura, If it weren't for that and the effects of kryptonite she would have attacked and dealt with Lillian by herself but she had other plans for the evil witch. 

Kara kicks the door in and immediately feels kryptonite but Ivy had Lillian gasping for breath as poisonous plants constrict her airways. The others dispatched the rest of the cronies in a matter of seconds. 

"Next time don't fuck with my family you cunt" Kara spits at Lillian who looked horrible after all the punches they landed. 


Kara smiles softly as her daughter speaks into the camera "and National City I know this apology won't heal wounds physically, mentally, or emotionally and it's very possible nothing I do or say will change your opinions but I will never stop trying to make up for my crimes. I will be stepping down as Supergirl for the time being and the previous Supergirl will be taking the mantel back until my return when I am a better and stronger Supergirl for the world."

The camera swivels back to Kara and she says "That's all from Supergirl and now a message from the real criminal behind Supergirl attacks." 

Lillian is being manipulated by Wanda to make sure she tells the truth so I am not worried. It is time for me to go home and spend time with my family. 

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