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"Come on Nikita! We need to go!" I heard my father call up the stairs.

Today was the day we're leaving for the tour and going to be spending a few months on the road and of course on a tour bus. That's the only part of this I hated, was spending most of the time on a bus. I just hope the bus was a nice and good size one that we'd be on.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I called back and then headed down with the last bag I wanted to take, which was only a small one.

"My God girl, you act like we'll be gone for a year not only a few months." He shook his head as I came down the stairs.

"It's not that many bags dad. This one has my accessories in it, you know hair stuff, some jewelry and my make-up. Those bags." I pointed to the two suitcases by the door, "Are my clothes. I just want to make sure I'm prepared, that's all." I shrugged my shoulders.

I didn't know what could happen and I wanted to be prepared for any situation that could possibly happen while on the road.

"Okay but you've never packed this much stuff before." He shook his head as he grabbed my suitcases, "Let's go."

"Yeah and the other times I was younger and didn't care as much how I look, unlike now because I was younger then." I giggled as we walked out of the house, "Here, I'll lock up since your hands are full."

Last time I toured with the band, I was a young teen, therefore I didn't care unlike now, now that I'm an adult I cared way more how I looked. Plus I'll be around some of my favorite Rockstars and so I wanted to look amazing.

"That would be nice." He chuckled as I set the alarm system then shut and locked the door.

"So like the other times, you having someone check on the house periodically while we're gone?" I asked as we loaded into the vehicle.

"Of course, can't have anything wrong happen while we're not here." He shrugged and started heading towards where the buses are parked.

Once we got to the buses, I tried my hardest to contain my excitement from going on tour and from seeing the bands that are on this tour. When I seen the guys of A7x standing around waiting, I wanted to go over to them but as if reading my mind, my dad asked, well might well have told me to help put our suitcases in the bus storage compartment so I reluctantly did helped.

While we putting the stuff in there, I kept glancing around and I couldn't help to notice that one of them in particular was looking towards me and my heart skipped a beat. He was the one I wanted to get to know the most out of the rest of them. And I could tell he was asking about me because all of a sudden I noticed uncle Lars look towards us as he spoke.


As I was finishing up my cigarette, I looked up to see a gorgeous girl helping put the suitcases in the storage compartment for Metallica's bus. I was curious to know who she was so I went over to Lars, the drummer of Metallica, who was standing not to far away.

"Hey, who is that?" I asked as I nudged his arm and motioned my head towards where she was.

Surely that couldn't be James' girlfriend or even wife, she looked much younger than him but you never know anymore. There's plenty of older guys that date and even marry girls that some would think was their daughter.

"Oh, that my friend, is Nikita. Guess she's going on tour again, probably will be helping with the merch table, usually that's what she does when she goes with us."

"Oh, well she's fucking gorgeous, that's for damn sure." I smirked as I watched her.

I know I probably shouldn't have said that, especially to Lars but it came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

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