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Brian removed his arm from her, grabbed her hand and led her inside.

He locked everything thing up and they started to head up the stairs but Brian realized he didn't set the alarm so he had to turn back around to do that. He didn't see the point in it since there were people there but he set it anyway because he didn't want Zacky mad at him.

Ever since someone broke in years ago, Zacky's been wanting it set even when people were there during the night.

That night, Jason happened to be there house and dog sitting when the guy broke in. And so Jason tackled the guy and what made it all more amusing, was Zacky's dog, Ichabod, who is just a small fur ball, helped with defending the territory by biting the guy's leg as if he was some big dog as soon as he was on the floor. 

"Hold on babes, I'm going to use the restroom then I'll be in there." Nikita whispered once they got to the door of the guest room.

She really didn't need to use the bathroom but she did want to refresh herself for him.

"Okay, don't take too long." He patted her butt with a smirk then walked into the bedroom.

As soon as Brian got into the room, he took his jeans off and tossed them on the chair that was in there then got comfy in the bed. Once she walked back into the room, she thought he was asleep since he had shut his eyes, but he wasn't, not yet. But she just sighed and shut the door and gently climbed into the bed.

And as he felt the bed being shifted, he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Did you lock the door?"

There have been times the kids would come into the rooms in the mornings when the guys have stayed over at the other one's house. So Brian didn't want Tennessee to do that and they happened to be still naked so he'd see something that he shouldn't have or scare him at his young age.

"Shit, no, I forgot." She shook her head then got back out of bed and went over to lock it.

"Come here you sexy thing." He chuckled as he flipped back the covers for her when she turned back towards the bed.

He knew it was probably cheesy to say that but he didn't care, especially when he heard her let out a giggle.

"Oh gosh." She shook a little.

She stripped down to her panties and her shirt, tossing them onto Brian's pants then climbed into the bed and he instantly pulled the covers up over their bodies.

She rolled to her side and he instantly slid his arm under her neck  then grabbed her leg and made her lay it over his waist to pull her closer to his body as he kissed her shoulder.

He never paid attention to what skincare products she used but he hoped she never changed it because it made her skin oh so soft and smelled really good to him. In fact, breathing in her scent was a personal high for him that caused things to happen to his insides that he never thought was possible.

He moved his back to look into her eyes as best as he could through the darkness that surrounded the room as the only light coming in was a faint glow coming through the curtains from the street lights outside. But as he did that, she instantly started kissing him. When she parted her lips to sign out of happiness into the kissing, he took that opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth.

As if reading each other's mind, she placed her hand on the front of his shoulder and was just getting ready to nudge him back but he rolled to his back, pulling her onto him before she could. He rubbed his hands down her body and as soon as he got to her waist, he slid his hands into the back of her panties and started kneading on her ass, causing her to grind on him, which caused a rumble in his chest so he kept making her dry hump him.

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