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Zack woke up to hearing a thump and then some groaning not long after. He instantly peaked his head out make sure whoever it was, was okay only to see no one so he figured someone probably bumped their knee on the wall of their bunk.

But just as he was getting ready to lay back, he noticed movement slightly so he looked over and noticed it was part of Brian's foot stuck out of his bunk and that's what he saw moving as his toes were curling.

He groaned as he laid back more while closing the curtain more, "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

"What's wrong babe?" Meghan asked as she rolled to face him.

Shit, he didn't realize she was awake but hoped he didn't wake her up with him groaning the way he did.

"Some fucked up shit. Either Brian is either yanking it or Nikita is in there with him." He told her as he rolled to his side towards her.

"What's wrong with that either way?" She couldn't understand why he was so angry about that fact. 

"Because, he was told not to mess with her, to leave her the hell alone but yet he's fucking her."

"So what? They're both adults. What's wrong with them having a little fun." She shrugged.

"What's wrong with it? You're kidding me right? Because he can't listen and wants to think with his dick only, he's going to have James pissed at him therefore we're going to get kicked off this tour early."

"Babe, relax, I doubt it's going to be that extreme. Doubt they're going to kick you guys off because of one person. Plus there's only a few weeks left anyways."

That caused him to roll his eyes, "Let's hope. And to make matters worse, he was just talking about him and Michelle getting back together. I guess they've been talking to each other again since he's been on this tour. Hell, he was on the phone with her when she crashed."

"Wait, does Nikita know that? That Brian and Michelle have been talking again?" She asked a little surprised.

He shrugged, "If she does, she doesn't care. Maybe she just cares about getting her rocks off too, like him."

"You're right Zacky boy, I do only care about that." Nikita had mouthed to herself.

Because little did they know, as soon as her and Brian were satisfied, they had decided it was best they didn't continue laying in the bunk together so that they wouldn't get caught if they happened to fall asleep. So she had climbed out of the bunk and had heard them whispering to each other.

She didn't think anything of it at first until she heard her name so it had gotten her intrigued and that's when I had heard what he had said.

As she laid in her bunk though, she had wondered if Brian was picturing Michelle the times they were together but shrugged it off, because he had moaned her name, not Michelle's.

"Either way, we're both getting our needs taken care of. Who cares who he's thinking of." She smirked to herself as she rolled to her side and closed her eyes.


A couple days later, Nikita was heading towards the merch table for Metallica when all of a sudden someone placed their hand over her mouth as they grabbed her arm and began pulling her backwards. She tried to let out a scream but it was muffled by their hand as she was being pulled through a door.

Right as she was lifting her foot to kick them between their legs and getting ready to bite down on their hand, the person finally spoke up.

"Niki, shh relax, it's just me." Brian chuckled as he pushed her up against the bathroom wall.

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