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Almost every night that she's been on the tour, Brian and Michelle would end up in bed together and each time Nikita would cross his mind during their sexual activities. He was thankful that he never once spit out Nikita's name but only Michelle's though. Even when she was going down on him, and he knew part of that was because Michelle wasn't as good as Nikita was when it came to blow-jobs.

And of course, he didn't dare speak about it to anyone because didn't want them to know just how fucked up he was. 

"Brian." Matt snapped his fingers in front of Brian's face, which snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Was all that he could manage out as he looked up at him.

He didn't even realize that he had zoned off during the meeting the band was having and of course he didn't mean to.

"You okay man?" He asked with a concerned look, Brian wasn't the type to just zone out like that, at least not normally as it's been years since he had.

"Yeah, sorry." He nodded as cleared his throat, "I'm fine. What were we talking about?" Brian asked as he sat up straighter to try to help himself to keep focus on the task at hand.

"Nah you're good." Matt shook his head, but he could tell just by Brian's facial expressions that he wasn't good, that it was something else besides what they had been talking about that was bugging him.

"This situation with Arin and the band since he's got to leave the tour to be with Kimberly since her dad is on his deathbed." Zacky answered at the same time Matt had spoken.

"Poor girl is going through hell." Johnny sighed with a head shake.

"Yeah." Matt frowned, "But we've got to find a replacement for the rest of these shows or we're going to have to cancel, which is upsetting to us and definitely will be for the fans."

"We can't let them down like that." Brian sighed, "I mean they've paid good money to see us perform."

"Exactly." Zacky nodded.

Just then their manager, Larry, walked in so they turned their attention to him and hoping he had some somewhat good news for them.

"Okay so, I don't know if you've guys have made a decision but I just got done making a few phone calls. For tonight's show, Brandon Saller said he'd fill in."

"Awesome!" The rest of the guys boasted, they loved Brandon since he was good buddies with them.

"I figured you guys would be okay with that since you are friends with him."

All of a sudden Brian felt his phone vibrating in his pocket so he pulled it out to see that it was Nikita calling. It then dawned on him that he really hadn't even called and talked to her in a while, at not since Michelle had been with them on the tour anyways. 

"I'm going to step out and take this, it's Nikita." He told them as he stood up.

"Seriously man? We're in the middle of a damn band meeting." Zacky grumbled.

"Hence why I'm going to step out and tell her I'll call her back later." Brian rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, he was hoping that with Zack's attitude, it was because of  the stress of having to find a replacement and not because he still had problems with her.

"But what about the rest of the shows?" Johnny inquired.

"I'm still waiting to hear back from the record company about that. Good thing is tomorrow there is no shows so that give us to find you guys a temporary drummer for the remaining tour."

"Hey, what's up?" Brian answered the phone once he was outside the room and shut the door behind him.

"Hey, nothing much. I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя