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Brian and Nikita was there for a few hours when she happened to notice that Meghan hadn't been drinking alcohol with the rest of them.  Which wasn't like her, all the times they've hung out, she has some wine even if it's a couple glasses. It then dawned on Nikita that the last couple of times she was with her, Meghan didn't even drink anything with alcohol in it.

"So Meghan, why aren't you having any wine? You usually always have a glass."

"Oh uhm well someone's got to stay sober during this get together, you never know what could happen." She answered with a straight face, she was happy that someone finally noticed. 

"Ah makes sense I guess." She shrugged.

But Nikita really didn't fully believe that because when she was on tour with them, every night they were all drinking, Meghan included so she wasn't fully understanding how this was different when it came to making sure she was sober. But then she figured maybe Meghan was saying that since there was kids around this time, that someone needed to stay sober. It then clicked in Nikita's mind, no that couldn't be it either.

"But the thing is, you haven't been drinking when it's been just the two of us so it can't be cause there's kids around this time."

As soon as those words came out of Nikita's mouth, Meghan grabbed Nikita's arm and pulled her further away from everyone. Meghan definitely needed to tell someone her reasoning for not drinking but she didn't want others to hear and possibly get everyone riled up if it was nothing.

"Okay fine, I'll let you in on a little secret, but it has to stay between us please." Meghan spoken quietly, but even if she had spoken in a normal level chances of anyone hearing her were slim because of music being played.

"Of course." Nikita ran her fingers over her lips as if she was zipping them up, she wouldn't dare break a promise like that as she didn't want her to be mad at her.

"I uh, I think I might be pregnant." When she said that, Nikita's eyes go a little wide as Meghan continued, "I'm not fully sure yet, I have a doctor's appointment on Monday. I haven't even told Zack yet, I want to be fully sure before I tell him. But I just have to get it off my chest because I'm nervous as hell."

"Eeks that's amazing if you are." Nikita couldn't help but pull her into a hug, "I think he'll be happy about it. I mean hell I've seen how he is with the little one he has now and with the other kids, he's amazing with them."

"I know he is but I don't know how happy he will about this because the last time I thought I was pregnant, I told him before I knew for sure and he sorta freaked out about it. Of course it also didn't help that it happened when he was still technically married to Gena."

Nikita pulled away from the hug and rubbed her hands up and down Meghan's upper arms, "Okay, but this time it's different. This time he's not married to someone else. He's married to you." Nikita playfully looked her chin.

Nikita wanted to say that she was sure Zacky wouldn't freak out but she wasn't exactly sure if he would or wouldn't. And chances are that he might but Nikita could tell, just by looking at him, how his and Meghan's relationship is, how his relationship with the son he has now along with the other kids that was around, that he wouldn't be mad to be a father to another kid. 

"Yeah, but either way, this time I want to be 100% sure before I tell him."

"I don't blame you." Nikita smiled, "All I have to say is Good luck babes, I wish you the best of luck." She then kissed her cheek.

"Thank you."

"What's going on here?" They heard Zack ask from behind them so they turned and looked at him.

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