When Nikita heard that A7X was doing soundcheck she made the decision she was going to go watch them. She knew it would be way different than the actual show but she didn't care.

When she walked up, she quickly noticed Brian was irritated as he was trying to play, which you could tell he was struggling to stay focused but was failing.

She was hoping it wasn't because of what happened between them in the bathroom not long ago. Surely that couldn't be the problem though.

"What's wrong with Syn?" She stepped over and asked Meghan, who was standing there watching them.

"Oh, I guess his girl, I mean his ex was in an accident or something." She answered as she glanced towards her. 

"Oh wow, is she okay?" Nikita let out a small gasp. 

She don't know the girl but it still made her feel bad for her, that she was in some accident. That could possibly be why Brian is irritated the way he is then. Just because they had broken up didn't mean he still didn't have feelings for Michelle and cared about her because he did.

Meghan shrugged, "As far as I know she is."

"Well that's good."

"So, you're the daughter of James Hetfield?" Meghan asked a second later.

"I am." She nodded, then decided to beat her to a question most people ask because their difference in skin tone, "And before you ask because a lot of people do. I'm not adopted, my mother was Latino so that's why I have the darker skin than he does." She giggled as she brushed her fingers down her own arm.

"I wasn't going to." She giggled with me, "Even if you were adopted, doesn't make him less of your father. Blood doesn't make a person family, love does."

"Exactly, as someone on one of my favorite shows says, Family doesn't end in blood, and it doesn't start there neither." 

They then laughed softly together as Meghan nodded.

"So, are you the only girl on the Metallica bus?"

"Unfortunately." She groaned out as she threw her head back slightly.

It sucked being the only girl on the bus, especially because it was a bunch of older men but she was dealing with it since they were her family, one of them especially being blood.

"Oh God girl, I feel your pain. I'm the only one on the Avenged bus. Normally one of the other wives, comes with but Val couldn't because of her little one, not sure about Lacey. And I think Arin's girl, Kelly, she stayed home to be with her family."

"Awe, yeah Matt showed me pictures of their son and my is he freaking adorable."

"Yes he is." Meghan then got an playful but evil grin on her face, "I just thought of the perfect idea."

"And what would that be?" Nikita asked as she tore her eyes off of the guys, mainly Brian.

"Join us in the bus. Please?" She suggested as she grabbed her hand.

Meghan was tired of being the only girl and it was taking her everything she could to not to be driven to the insane state of mind.

"As amazing as that sounds, I don't know if my dad would go for that. I practically begged him to let me come on this tour in the first place."

"Please will you ask? I mean there's only what a couple more weeks left? I'll even come with you to help convince him better." Meghan grinned sweetly at her.

"You know what? That might actually work out better. See if you're with me when I ask, he just might cave in easier." She grinned back.

"Exactly, I mean hell it worked when I was in school. If me or one of my friends wanted to stay at each other's house we wouldn't ask the parents ourselves, we'd have our friends ask."

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