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After a while though, everyone started slowly one by one heading to the bunks for the night. Which it was getting pretty late so it was understandable, but eventually, Brian and Nikita were the only ones left in the front lounge.

"I'm going to go to the restroom, be right back." She said as she stood and downed the rest of her beer.

"Okay." Brian nodded and watched her walk away with a smirk on his face.

After she used the restroom, she decided to plug her phone in since she wasn't going to be using nor shouldn't be needing her phone the rest of the night. But as she turned to walk back into the living area, she heard heavy breathing coming from Zack and Meghan's bunk and she knew it wasn't from them being asleep.

Covering her mouth to stifle her giggles, she walked back to the lounge to join Brian.

"Hey before you sit back down, will you get me another beer?" He held up his empty bottle as he noticed her reaction, "What's wrong?"

He had furrowed his eyebrows but relaxed them when he realized she wasn't covering her mouth because of something bad since her smile was reaching her eyes.

"Nothing." She giggled while shaking her head as he tossed his bottle in the trash.

As she leaned over in the fridge, he couldn't resist to stare at her bottom since it was sticking out there. What he wouldn't give to be grabbing and holding it at that point. But as she turned around, he didn't even try to look away and so of course she caught him staring, and she didn't mind at all that he was staring at it. 

"Were you just staring at my ass sir?" She asked with a smirk as she opened each of the bottles.

"Who me? Never." He started in a sarcastic tone.

"Mhm sure." She smirked again, as she handed him a beer then sat back down next to him and took a drink of her own.

He then took that opportunity to lean his face close to here, "And so what if I was?" He smiled as he took a drink.

"I guess then you was." She giggled quietly.

"Can't help it, when it's there for me to look at, and it's nice a plump." He winked. "So why were you giggling anyways?"

"Oh uhm." She glanced towards the bunks then lowered her voice to a whisper, "When I was plugging my phone up, I heard some heavy breathing from what sounded like Zack and Meghan's bunk.

"You sure it wasn't just someone sleeping?" He raised an eyebrow as he sat his beer down on the little table.

"Oh no, most definitely not. I can tell the difference. When you're sleeping its way more slow and steady and this wasn't."

"Ah damn, that's amazing." He chuckled. "Well good for them, satisfying their needs and actually being quiet about it."

There's been plenty times though, they've accidently walked in on each other with their girls and they've also overheard them when they've gotten a little to loud.

"Thank God, plus I'd rather watch porn than listen to it." 

"Yeah but not if it's friends, I mean they're basically family. That's pretty awkward either way."

"True." She nodded once. "But you can't tell me that just the thought of someone getting some isn't hot and doesn't kinda turn you on a bit." She knew it did for her though.

"Not when it concerns one of those guys." He motioned his head towards the bunk area "They're basically my brothers. That's almost the same thing as you hearing something like that come from your dad and some chic."

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