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Nikita decided she wanted to go to one of the local bars to have some fun, plus she had overhead the guys of Avenged talking about doing the same thing so she figured that would give her a perfect opportunity to hang with them without her father or his band mates being around. 

She couldn't remember the exact name they had mentioned so she chose a random one that was close to the hotel they were staying at for the night and hoped she was close correctly. Once she's saw them sitting around a table, she knew she was at the right place.

She walked over and placed her hand on Brian's lower neck. Which as soon as she touched him, it was a warm tingling feeling went up her arm but she fought the urge to pull her hand away from him.

"Why hello boys. Fancy meeting you guys here." She giggled then smiled at Brian who instantly smiled back at her.

She obviously didn't want to let on that this wasn't a random encounter.

After they smiled and said their hellos to her, Matt offered her an empty chair, which she gladly took. 

"So what brings you here? Any of the guys of Metallica come with you?" Matt questioned as he glanced around, looking for signs of her father and his hand.

Which she knew he was looking for them but they weren't there and hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed by that fact.

"Nah." She shook her head, "They never do when we're on the tour, go out to bars I mean. At least not anymore. Me on the other hand, I like going to bars and clubs."

"And your dad don't care?" Brian smirked, he was happy that she had joined them but of course he didn't let it be known.

"Why would he? He doesn't care as long as I'm being safe and having fun. Plus I'm a grown ass adult." She shrugged, "So it's not like he can put his foot down and I have to follow his rules all the time."

"I mean, technically he could still put his foot down." Johnny pointed out, of course he meant that more as a joke than anything.

"Still doesn't mean I have to do what he says, as I said I'm a grown ass adult, I make my own rules and he knows that." She laughed softly, "Anyways, I'm going to go get me something to drink. Any of you need refills?" She asked as she stood up.

They all said they could use a refill, so after getting their drink orders, she turned to head to the bar.

"Hold up, I'll help." Brian quickly stood up, "Be easier than you trying to get drinks over to the table by yourself."

She was happy that it was him that offered to help her, although she would have been just as happy if one of the other guys offered but liked it better that it was him.

"Why thank you, but I was just going to borrow one of their trays." She shrugged, would have been hard to carry that many drinks by hand so she wouldn't have even attempted it, "So I must say, the bands performance was amazing tonight. You guys did a fantastic job."

It was actually the first time she had actually seen them perform live in person but she  didn't want to let him know that so she kept that tidbit to herself.

"Why thank you." He did a small bow with his head towards her which made her smile more because it honestly was cute to her the way he did it.

"But only thing I wonder, is your pride okay? I seen that fall off the little speaker when you went to step off of it. Although it was amazing how instead of just falling you did that little tuck and roll before standing on your knees."

The way he did it, was oh so sexy to her. She didn't know anyone could fall and look as amazing as he did.

"Oh that." He chuckled, "Yes my pride is fine. Usually, just for show I'll sometimes do these fake falls and roll, but that time it wasn't intentional and so instinct was to tuck and roll. That's why it caused me to laugh because it went so perfect and I didn't get hurt."

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