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Hey do you have any plans this evening? 

Nikita had gotten as a message from Brian. She racked her brain and realized he might have been asking because of a get together at Johnny and Lacey's that Meghan told her about and said that she should to come over and hang out with them.

Let me guess, is this about the get together at Johnny and Lacey's? Meghan already told me about it but I don't know if I'll go.

Oh Cool, usually before we head off for a tour, we have a get together. But you should go and we can even go together.

I don't know though.

Please? Plus be a perfect time to show off the plan you came up with.

She took a deep breath and let it out as she replied realizing that he was right.

Okay, I'll go with you because you're right

Awesome, it starts at 4, I'll pick you up okay?

Okay, see you then.

When it came closer to the time that Brian would be here to pick her up she began getting ready. She stood at her closet and stared into it, not quite sure what she wanted to wear. She was meeting most of these people for the first time and she wanted them to like her but at the same time, part of her didn't care if they did or not. 

Plus, what if this plan did work causing Michelle and Brian to get back together? She was sure if that happens she'd be out of the picture. At least for most of them, but she hoped that her friendship with Meghan wouldn't be affected the most. 

As she stared into my closet, she finally made up her decision of a sleeveless blouse and a pair of leggings along with some pumps. Thankfully though, she finished getting ready right as Brian showed up to get her.


As Brian drove to Johnny and Lacey's, he glanced over to notice Nikita bouncing her foot. Which was an involuntary move that she was does when she was bored or nervous.

"What's wrong?" He questioned her because he could tell that she was nervous.

"Hm? Oh just a little nervous that's all." She shook her head some. "I mean, I'm not even sure if they'll like me." 

"Of course they'll like you, just like I do because you're amazing." He grinned as he turned his head towards her some without taking his eyes off the road. "I mean hell, the guys already like you, and Meghan. You guys get along great." 

"I know." She let out a giggle, "It's funny how I used to never cared if someone liked me or accepted me but here I am caring about it." 

"Meh." He shrugged one shoulder, "It happens to the best of us." Which he doesn't ever recall him being that way, he had always had the attitude that he didn't care if anyone liked him. 

As they got out of the car, she took a deep breath and let it out as Brian came around the car towards her, he grabbed her hand then led her to the house. 

As soon as they got to the door, he rang the doorbell but didn't even wait for someone to answer before opening the door and let her go in first before following her inside. That's how they were at each other's houses, especially if they were having a get together like today. 

"Oh, hey you two." Meghan smiled as she met them in the living room. 

"Hey." Nikita smiled.

"Sup Meg." Brian had said at the same time Nikita had spoken.

"You two came together?" 

 "Yeah, we did. Figured since we were both coming might as well save the environment and come together." She answered as she nodded. 

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt