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As Johnny was watching the girls talk amongst the himself, he couldn't help but notice there was something different about Nikita so since Zacky was the closest, he decided to ask him if he's noticed anything. 

"Hey, have you noticed anything different about Nikita?" Johnny asked quietly as he waved his hand over his chest.

Zack looked towards the girls then back at Johnny as he shook his head, "No, can't say that I have. Especially in the area you're motioning." Which he honestly had a paid attention, and he wasn't sure why Johnny was even looking at their best friend's girl like that.

"I'm telling you man, I swear it looks like her boobs have gotten more plump." Johnny smirked with a smug look.

But as he said that, Brian was in the process of getting himself a beer and overhear him, but the two guys didn't even see him standing there listening.

"Dude seriously? Why the hell are you even looking?" Zacky looked at him totally confused, even more confused as to why he was looking at Nikita like that. 

"I can't help it." Johnny shrugged, "You can't stand there and tell me you haven't noticed." He raised an eyebrow, "I can't be the only one that's noticed." 

Zack took a deep breath and let it out then looked across the pool at the girls then smirked and looked back at Johnny as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I mean I guess you're right, I have cause it's hard not to notice." 

As Brian looked across at the girls, he couldn't help but wonder which one of the girls they were talking about.

"Exactly, and even with that laced Shaw, you can seen them bulging out of that top." 

That made Brian squint his eyes as he got irritated once he realized who they were talking about because Nikita was the only one of the girls that was wearing a Shaw. He then realized that it's not the first time the guys, him included have talked about the other guys girls like that too. He just shrugged it off as Johnny starting mentioning it more but what made Brian smirk again was the fact that Zacky finally noticed Brian standing there and nudged Johnny a couple of times to get him to shut up but wasn't having any luck.

"What are we talking about guys?" Brian asked cutting Johnny off, while acting like he just walked up.

"Oh uh nothing important." Zack shook his head, of course he didn't want to tell Brian and have him get mad at them. 

"Your girl's boobs and how they've gotten bigger." Johnny said bluntly which caused a smack in the back of the head by Zack. 

"Seriously man?!" Zack grumbled as he facepalmed himself and shook his head.

Johnny couldn't believe he just blurted that out to Brian in the first place. 

"Shit sorry, that was a dick move." Johnny sighed as he rubbed where he was smacked. "I think I've had just one too many is all."

"You damn straight it was short shit." Brian rolled his eyes as he glanced towards Nikita.

But the fact was, Brian had noticed that her boobs had gotten bigger, especially when he had rubbed on them before they got there, but he thought it was just his imagination. He was irritated they were talking that way but he wasn't mad about it, but he did want to make it seem like he was pissed about it just to scare them. 

"Maybe next time you think about talking about my girl like that watch whose around before speaking or better yet, keep your damn thoughts to yourself." Brian hid his smile as he pushed Johnny into the pool, he then looked at Zack, who was stepping back away from the pool and him and he couldn't take it as he busted up laughing.

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