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"Hey Siri." Brian called out as he started driving.

"Yes, Sir Gates, how may I help you?" Which made him smirk every time he heard Siri call him that even though he's the reason since he set it that way.

"Call My Baby."

"Okay calling your contact, my baby."

"Baby, are you about ready? I'm on my way there now." He spoke as soon as she answered the phone.

"I'm almost ready. Which I should be by the time you get here anyways."

"Okay, you at the main house or yours?"

"Eh I'm at the main house. I've decided to start staying at the main house again. It's just not the same right now."

"That's understandable. Well I'll be there soon okay? I love you."

"Love you too." 

After they hung up, he continued to head towards her house. He was excited to get away with her, and he knows she's just going to love the weekend that's been planned for her.

As soon as he got there, she let him in then shut the door behind him.

"Let me just go up and get my bags and I'll be ready." She knew she should have brought them down with her and set them down by the door but got sidetracked making sure everything was locked up that she hadn't had a chance to go get them be time he showed up. 

"Okay do you need any help?" He smiled, because he was sure she'd have quite a few bags despite them only going away for the weekend.

"No, I got it." She smiled back then headed up the stairs. 

And of course he couldn't help but stare at her ass as she did. But what surprised him was at the fact she wasn't up there very long and over the fact that she only had a small suitcase and a handbag.

"All ready." She smiled as she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"That's all you're taking?" He asked a little surprised as he raised his eyebrows.

"Well yeah, it's only a weekend." She shrugged, "Didn't think I would need more."

"No not really,  it's just most girls want to go crazy when it comes to packing." He chuckled. "Making sure they had extra clothes for every day of the weekend and what not."

"Well I'm not most girls." She shrugged out.

"And that's just one of the reasons I fell in love with you." He winked with a smile as he kissed her while taking the suitcase from her so that he could carry it out for her.

"Just one?" She giggled as she opened the door so they could walk out of the house.

"Mhm one of many." He grinned with a nod as he patted her ass once then walked out.

But as he was walking towards his vehicle, he realized she wasn't following him so when he looked back to see her leaning back into the house which he figured she was setting the alarm. He then took that moment to put her stuff in the back with his.

"You ready for to be riding in the car for roughly 2 hours?" He smirked as they got into the car.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She giggled then leaned over and kissed him as he started the car. "Do you care if I hook my phone to the radio to play one of my playlists on my Spotify?" 

"Of course I don't care." He shook his head as he pulled out of the driveway.

Plus, he thought it would be nice to finally hear someone else's playlist since he's always listening to the ones he has.

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