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A few hours later, everyone pretty much left and went home except for Brian and Nikita. Most of the reason why the others left because of their kids.

That's why Nikita was thankful she didn't have any kids, not that she hated them because she didn't, she just knew there was just some things you couldn't do because of having them.

"Okay, we've got to keep the music down a little so that TJ can sleep." Zacky told them after he came down the stairs from putting his son to bed, "Gena is coming to pick him up tomorrow and I don't want to hear it that he's cranky from lack of sleep."

Which kinda surprised Nikita that Zacky wasn't going to get to keep Tennessee longer after not being able to see him because of the tour but then she remembered the little man boasting about how he gets to go to a birthday party the next day.

"Well we can leave if need to be." Nikita suggested as she handed Brian another beer.

"No, no that's okay. You guys don't have to do that." Zacky shook his head. "Plus, you both have a bit of alcohol in your system so we don't need neither one of you driving. I have a guest room that you two can stay in for the night."

Of course it was Brian who had drank the most out of the two, but Zacky didn't want neither of them to get into a wreck because then he would have felt responsible since it was his barbeque that they left from.

"But what about Paco?" Meghan asked.

"Who the hell is Paco?" Zacky raised an eyebrow.

"He's my bird, the one that was in the video Brian had shared." She giggled, "But he'll be okay. Before we came over we swung over by my place so I could check on him and so I could change. Plus I still live on my dad's property so he has maids and groundskeepers that he pays. So usually if I happen to not be there and one of the maids see's he needs something they'll help by giving it to him."

"But babe, you live in the guest house out back." Brian asked as he pulled her into his lap.

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. That's part of the property so they go there to clean too. Of course they don't have to do much though." She shrugged with a smile as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

Nikita is good about cleaning up after herself instead of being like other richer people and leaving messes every where for maids to clean up even if that's what they get paid for.


They had decided on watching a movie since no one was ready to go to bed just yet. But halfway through it, Nikita happened to looked down at one of the little picture frames that was on the table, which was a digital kind that did a slideshow of multiple pictures. She picked it up and switched it back to the photo that had caught her eye since it had that option, which was a photo of Brian and Jimmy that had been taken not long before he had passed away.

"Hey who's this good looking guy and this other guy?" She smirked while looking at the picture of the two of them.

She truly didn't recognize Jimmy, but as she looked into his eyes, he did seem oddly familiar to her.

"Well I don't know who the good looking guy is but the other one is me." Brian smirked as he took the frame from her to get a better look.

"I know that's you silly." She giggled then pointed to Jimmy, "But who is that with you?"

"Babe, that's Jimmy."

"That's Jimmy?" She looked at the picture with her eyes a little wide.

Of course the pictures she had saw of him, he had short black hair but in the picture she had looked at, he had a facial hair and longer dirty blonde hair. Like he hadn't visited a barbershop in months.

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