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Over the next few weeks, Nikita became sick. Not sick with a lifelong illness, no, every time she smelt food, it was like her insides decided to turn upside down. And it seemed the only thing she could keep down was liquids and crackers, so she resorted to only drinking water along with saltine crackers along with soups. Sometimes she even drank some juice, which is a rare occasion for her because she wasn't a big fan of them unless they were mixed with some kind of alcohol. Which is something she also haven't been able to intake, not that she didn't want to, it's just every time she did, her stomach felt like it was bubbling up and the contents was going to come back up.

And today, she was glad that she wasn't feeling like shit, especially since there was a get together at Matt and Val's house, and not only that, it was going to be a pool party.

"Gah." She groaned after she put on her swimsuit and tried adjusting the top part.

It was one of those types of suits that from the back it looked like she was wearing a two piece but from the front it looked like she was wearing a one piece and it used to fit perfect but not anymore. She felt as if she was losing weight in her stomach area and the fat was going straight to her boobs so she was trying her hardest to keep them inside the suit where they belong during the pool party. The last thing she wanted to do was accidentally flash the other guys and more importantly the kids.

"What's wrong babe?" Brian asked as he came up behind her and put his hands on her hips.

"I don't know what the deal is but for some reason these two don't want to stay in their places." She told him as she adjusted the top part what seemed to her the umpteenth time since she put it on. 

"They just want to show the world how beautiful they are." He smirked, "I for one love looking at them and feeling them." He moved his hands up and groped them softly which caused her to bite her bottom lip, partly because they seemed more sensitive than usual.

"Yeah well I don't think the other girls would appreciate me showing their men my boobs, nor I don't think they'd be too fond of the kids seeing them neither. I don't want to scar the poor kids." 

"Definitely not." He chuckled as he kissed on her shoulder. "Not when they're this young anyways." He then moved his hands down and started rubbing all of her stomach, which made her smile because it was easing the nausea that was there. "So you're feeling better? I figured you might be since you're willing to go to this party thing." 

"I am, finally." She let out a small nod as she laid her head back onto his shoulder, "And you doing that is definitely helping." She didn't want him to stop doing that.

"Mm well I'll be glad to do it any time you need for me to. And I'd love to keep doing this but unfortunately we need to get going." He then lightly patted her hips lightly, even though he'd definitely would love to keep doing that to her, among other things.

"I know." She sighed out lightly.

When he removed his hands from her, she grabbed her shorts and slid them on then took one last look in the mirror before grabbing her lace Shaw to put on. She figured it was best if she did cover her chest so it would make it harder to see if one of her boobs tried to make an appearance while at Matt and Val's.


"Hey, you guys made it." Val grinned when Brian and Nikita walked into the kitchen of her and Matt's home. "Everyone is out back, I was just getting ready to head out there." 

"Ah, well I'll head out there." Brian smiled and started for the backdoor but Val stopped him.

"Oh hey before you go, will you take that case of beer out to the cooler?" She asked as she pointed to the case since she knew the cooler wasn't that full. 

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now