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As Nikita was going through her bag, trying to find her something to change into, she realized she didn't have much clean clothing left with me. She had made the mistake and hadn't taken the dirty ones over and change them out for clean ones that were still in the suitcase that was still on Metallica's bus.

So now the only clean outfit she had left to wear was a dark blue halter dress that came down to just above her knees.

"Well I guess this will have to work." She thought to herself.

She didn't want to make it look like she was too dressed up, so she grabbed her cropped jean jacket, made sure it smelt clean them slid it on then headed out for lunch with everyone.

As soon as Brian laid eyes on her, it took everything in his power to hold it together. He didn't know what it was about her that he couldn't resist. And part of him was thankful that they weren't seated together because he would have suffered even more, especially since the guys of Metallica was also there during their lunch outage. He knew he would have lost control and would have ended up putting his hand on her thigh under the table.

As soon as everyone got back to the venue though, Nikita headed straight towards the booth that Metallica's Merch table would be at to do her duties since she wanted to get a head start on it.

Whereas Brian headed straight to a bathroom, he needed a moment to himself thanks to how she was dressed.

She put on some music and started hanging some of the shirts up that wasn't pinned to the boards. She was happy that someone thought to do that, it made setting up the merch booth so much quicker and easier.

While Brian was in the bathroom, the images of her kept popping up in his head, so to relieve the pressure in his groin, he began stroking himself and he had to bite his lip to keep from making any noises from doing so. 
After he was done, he began washing his hands only to notice that he had a little blood on his lip.

"Shit, bit your lip a little too hard jackass." He groaned to himself then started cleaning it. He then checked the damages in the mirror, "Yup, that's going to bruise a little." He shrugged it off and walked out of the bathroom.
He figured if anyone asks, he could always say that he was messing around and hit himself with the head of one of his guitars as he's accidently done it before.

Heading towards the front of the venue, he wanted to see just how many fans were lined up outside, maybe give a few of them a surprise and make their day even better by stepping out there to greet some of them. But as he got closer, he heard some music play, music that he instantly recognized as Good Charlotte. He then noticed that it was Nikita playing the music as she was setting up the Merch table.

Nikita couldn't help herself as she lightly sung and danced along with the music that was playing through her little speaker. 

"Oh damn." Brian whispered to himself when he saw her bend over, as her dress tightened a little and you could see every curve of her butt. 

"She sounds to me, She sounds like sex on the radio. I love to hear her scream. And when I push play she's screaming in stereo. She sounds like sex on the radio. She puts sex on the radio." She sang along softly.

You definitely do.  He definitely loves hearing her sounds during their sex sessions.

As she was dancing around though, she had gotten a feeling that she was being watched. So as she continued her little moves, she secretly looked around but didn't notice Brian, which surprised him because he wasn't trying to hide, but standing out in the open so that he didn't appear to be a creep. Nikita realized that maybe she was just being paranoid and that no one was actually watching her.

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