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After A7X's set, Brian didn't feel like going and relaxing as the adrenaline still going through him. So instead he decided to walk around the venue, something he liked to try to do at every venue they stopped at, he all of a sudden heard someone singing and to him it was very beautiful. He didn't fully understand what was being sung because the words were in Spanish but he wanted to know who was singing.

He went closer to where the voice was coming from and peaked in the door, which was cracked open just slightly and noticed the person behind that beautiful voice was none other than Nikita.

So the voice matches the looks. As he listened, the song sounded really familiar, despite it being in a different language. He didn't want to scare her but he also didn't want to seem like a creep if someone caught him watching her without her knowledge so he pushed open the door slowly and leaned up against the doorframe.

"Porque estoy solo y cansado. Te echo de menos otra vez, oh no, una vez más." ('Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired. I'm missing you again, oh no, Once again) Nikita sung as she glanced over at him. But as she looked away, she quickly looked back towards him and her went a little rosey tint in color, "Oh my gosh." She giggled as she covered her face for a split second as it embarrassed her a little that one of her favorite rockstars caught her singing his songs in Spanish.

"Sorry if I startled you." He threw his hands up with a smile, he didn't know if she reacted because of that or because she was embarrassed that someone was listening to her.

"No, you didn't. It's just, holy shit, you're Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold." She smiled at him.

"I am." Brian nodded as he stepped into the room more, "Or as some people call me, Brian, that's my real name. So what's with the song? It's very beautiful by the way, your voice I mean. Although I'm not that good with Spanish, at least it sounded like that language anyways." He knew a little bit of Spanish but he wasn't fully fluent with some of the words.

"Thank you." She continued to blush, "And you're correct, it was Spanish. The original was written in English, well the band that originally sings it is American anyway." She smirked, she decided to mess with him a little bit.

"Oh is that so? What band sings it?" He raised an eyebrow which she wasn't sure if he actually wasn't sure that it was his band or was playing along with what she had said.

"Some stupid band really." She waved her hand in the air slightly, "That's the only song I can stand listening to actually, their other ones are pretty shitty sounding, even the band name is pretty dumb but it's a band named Avenged Sevenfold. That song was the Spanish version of Dear God."

As soon as she had said his band's name, he let out a fake gasp, because he could tell by the tone of her voice that she was being sarcastic. At least he hoped he was sensing that right anyways. With her knowing his stage name and the way she reacted to her noticing him, it was a clue to him that she was a fan of his band.

"Is that so? Wow, you hate my band. Dually noted then." He nodded as he pushed out his lips slightly, "I guess I'll get out of your hair, don't need to stick around someone who hates my band." He shrugged and slowly turned to walk away, hoping she would stop him.

And he had hoped right because she instantly called out to him. She didn't want him to truly think she was serious and dislike her.

"No, don't leave." She laughed softly, "I'm only fucking with you. I'm a huge fan of your band actually."

He turned back around to her as he chuckled "I know, I could tell you were joking."

"Okay good." She then held out her hand, "I'm Nikita by the way."

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