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"Sorry you two, it's time for closing." The bartender called out to Brian and Nikita as they were dancing more together.

"Wow, it's that time of the night already? Doesn't feel like we've been here that long, sorry." She giggled as she looked at the time and realized they had been here for a couple hours.

They both were having a great time, not caring about anything and just letting loose.

"Nah, don't worry about it. You two were having so much fun it's easy to lose track of time." He smiled.

"As the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun." Brian smirked.

"Exactly my dear boy." Nikita giggled then got serious, "Escort me back to the hotel?"

"Of course, you don't even have to ask because I was planning on it anyways." He shrugged and put his arm around her shoulder, he wouldn't have dared to let her walk by herself back to the hotel as it would have been a dick move.

Brian paid their drink tab then they walked out of the bar together. 

"Thank you for tonight." She smiled at him as they walked down the street.

"Why you're welcome and thank you." He then kisses her forehead.

"You welcome babes."

They were so focused on each other that they didn't see the sketchy dude by them, that is until he grabbed Nikita, puts his hand over her mouth and held a knife to the front of her neck.

"Give me all your money and jewelry or she gets it!" The guy roared out.

"Okay, okay calm down." Brian puts his hands up, "Just don't hurt her, if you want to hurt anyone, hurt me." He'd rather the guy hurt him over her.

"Brian no." She muffled out, of course she didn't want him hurt either, she just wished that the situation was done and over with. Or even that it wasn't happening at all.

"Shut it up and do what I fucking told you pretty boy." He points the knife at Brian then puts it back to Nikita's neck.

Any other time, they both would have laughed and probably crack a joke at what Brian was called but right now was no laughing matter.

"I am." He slowly takes off his watch and sets it on the ground then does the same with his necklace. 

He was thankful that tonight was the night he had chosen not to wear the necklace that had a piece of Jimmy's drum-set on it, he usually always wears it during shows but when he was putting on accessories earlier, something told him not to put it on so he chose the one he had on, which wasn't nearly as special to him.

But as Brian reached around for his wallet, he did it too fast for the guy's liking because the asshole pushed the knife further in to Nikita's neck more, which caused her to let out a squeal from the pain it was causing to her.

"Hey hey relax, I'm just getting my wallet! I promise!" Brian called out quickly as his heart skipped a beat from hearing her.

"You better be!" The guy yelled as he relaxed a little. 

"I am, see?" He pulled his wallet out and held it up.

Brian then proceeded to take out his credit cards and what cash he had and tossed it down with the jewelry. And the only reason he didn't throw the whole wallet down was because it was one of the last things he had gotten from Jimmy, plus he didn't want the guy to have his ID card, which also had his address on it.

"That's all I have, I swear." He said as he showed off the inside of his wallet then pulled out the insides of his front pockets. 

"It better be." He glared as he shoves her towards Brian who quickly wrapped his arms around her as she put her face in his chest.

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now