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Even though Brian wasn't sure just how much the girls had heard he had made the decision that he'd would face that later. Right now he wanted to call Nikita to let her know the decision about her filing in.

"Hey." She couldn't help but smile when she answered the phone no matter how much she fought it.

"Hey." He says as he lit up a cigarette, "So I've got some news, about the idea you came up with. I mean" He exhaled the smoke from the cigarette as he spoke.

"Oh?" She could tell by his tone, that it wasn't good news.

And she wasn't sure which idea he was referring to, it had her wondering if he meant the idea she came up with regarding the Michelle situation or the needed a temporary drummer situation. And she was just getting ready to ask which one when he spoke up. 

"Yeah." He said slowly, "So uhm, we won't need you after all. I guess Brandon Saller from Atreyu, he's on this tour with his side project, Hell or Highwater, anyways he's going to fill in the rest of the shows for us." At first his side band wasn't going to be able to be on the tour, at least they thought that was the case but found out that his band wasn't leaving the tour to do other stuff.

"Can he take on that much work though? I told you I could come out there and prove I can do the drumming if needed."

"No, I mean we believe you can do it, especially me because I've heard your talent on the drums. It's just, he's already here, he already knows the tabs for our songs. I'm sorry Niki."

"Oh okay, I mean that's cool. Just figured I'd offer my services that's all." She stated as she hid the disappointment in her voice.

The guys were all for her to come out and fill in. And Brian was too at first. But the more he thought about it, Zacky was right, it could complicate things, with having both her and Michelle on the tour. The last thing he wanted nor needed was for them to possibly get into a fight over him and he didn't need that extra stress.

"Brian? You still there?" Nikita asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry I'm still here." He nodded even though she couldn't see him.

"Everything okay? Seems like you kinda went out of it."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I promise. But uh there's something else I need to tell you." He cleared his throat and wiped his hand down his face then took a drag of his cigarette. "Michelle's here." He said he exhaled the smoke. 

Last thing he that he wanted was to keep that info from her as she deserve to know.

"That's good right? I mean she came to join you on tour so does that mean you two got back together?" She did her best to hide her disappointment on hearing that and she hoped she hid it enough that he wouldn't catch on.

"No, not exactly. I mean she didn't even come to join me. She came to keep Val company on this tour actually." He took a deep breath and let it out. "I still don't know if she wants to get back together. The subject keeps getting changed every time it's brought up."

"Ah I see. And so let me take a wild guess, that's part of the reason you guys don't want me to fill in, isn't it? It's not because you don't think I can do it. It's because your ex, the girl you truly want is there." She couldn't help snap out. 

"What? No, it's not Nikita." He defended then mumbled, "At least not fully."

"Wow, okay." She scoffed, "Makes perfect sense, and that's okay really it is. Because let's be honest we mean nothing to each other, we were only using each other for the sex anyways." She couldn't help but let out a small laugh, and she don't even know why it came out when she didn't find anything about it funny.

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