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"Come on, let's go inside and get something to drink." She grabbed Brian's hand and led him inside before he could object, not that he would though. 

Granted, they had drinks in the coolers that was outside but the ones that were for family only was inside. Plus she knew her grandmother and Aunt was inside and wanted him to meet them too. 

"Nieta, (Granddaughter) who is this?" My grandma asked as soon as they walked into the kitchen. 

"Abuela, this is my boyfriend, Brian. This is my Abuela, sorry, grandma, Luisa as some call her."

"I knew what Abuela meant." He smiled, "I'm not that uncultured." He then chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, yeah, I wasn't sure." She giggled with a shrug of her shoulders, she should have known that he would have already known what that meant since most people knew what Abuela meant.  

"And this is my aunt, Camilla"

"Nice to meet you." Camilla smiled, she had thought about saying something about what Jesus mentioned earlier but refrained from doing so.

"Same to you guys." He smiled back, "I see good looks run in the family."

"Such a charmer." Camilla smirked.

"Why do you think I fell for him." Nikita winked at her as Brian chuckled.

Even though that's only part of the reason she fell for him but she obviously was going to keep that part to herself, she didn't know if he'd be embarrassed and she didn't want to do that to him in front of her family.

"I've noticed something though. All the women's names have the ah sounding in them." Brian pointed out, which he thought it was kinda cool it was like that.

"Si." Camilla nodded, "That's common amongst the Latino community."

"Nieta, por que nunca sales con uno de estos simpaticos hombres latinos por aqui? Sabes que te tratarian bien y nunca te lastimarian fisicamente como lo hacen estos hombres blancos." Luisa said bluntly. (why don't you ever date one of these nice Latino men around here. You know they would treat you well and never physically hurt you like these white men do.)

Oh great. Nikita knew she didn't mean any harm by saying that but Luisa just didn't want her to get hurt like she has before. But Nikita just wished she didn't do it right there and would have waited until they were alone to have that talk. Luisa was the type though, to speak her mind and not care who was around to hear it.

"Abuela." She hissed out quietly, "Estos chicos Latinos pueden hacerme dano con la misma facilidad. Pero aun asi, me trata como a una princesa." (These Latino boys can hurt me just as easily. But even so, he treats me like a princess.)

"Si, bueno, Tambien lo hizo Ross cuando estaba cerca de tu Familia."  (Yeah well so did Ross, at least he did around your Familia)

That made Nikita roll her eyes that she would mention him, "Podemos hablar de esto mas tarde?" (Can we please talk about this later.)

Part of Nikita was happy that she was talking that way in Spanish but the other part of her knew that it was probably awkward for Brian to stand there while they spoke to each other. But he wasn't feeling that awkward, not cause they were speaking Spanish, but because of what was being said. And he figured they were probably speaking that language cause they thought he wouldn't understand, but of course he did and he decided to speak up, and hopefully put Nikita's grandmother's mind to ease about them being together.

"Look, I may not be Latino like you guys are but I do have Spanish in my Heritage. And I swear on my life I'll never hurt her. I find guys who hurt women physically aren't real men and deserve to be knocked down a few notches for even putting their hands on a woman in a non romantic way."

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