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Luckily by the time the concert rolled around, Nikita was feeling much better. She still had some nausea but she was able to actually eat and keep the foods down.

"You about ready?" Brian asked me as he stepped into the bathroom.

"Babe, we still have an hour before the doors even open and even then they don't start the concert until like an hour or so after that. You should know that." She smirked, "But yes I'm almost done. I'm just putting the finishing touches on my makeup."

"Well obviously I know that but remember we were going to go get something to eat before going to the concert?"

"Oh right." She giggled lightly, she forgot they had talked about it was was best to get food before the concert so that they weren't going on in an empty stomach, which lately she had been forgetting things easily, and that wasn't like her.

After she was done, she spun around to face him, which was a bad idea because when she did, she got a little light headed. But she didn't want to worry Brian so she just played it off and leaned back against the counter as she held her hands out with a small smile.

But he could tell that she had gotten light headed cause she fell back against the counter the way she did, and it caused him to crinkle his eyebrows together a bit, it had him a little worried on why she got dizzy. 

"How do I look?" She had chosen to wear a simple sheer dress that was a dark purple and had sleeves hanging off her shoulders and also spaghetti straps going over them then all hung down to her mid thighs.

As she watched him stare at her a second, she wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing only because of his facial expression, but her outfit wasn't what was causing that expression. But she was starting to think he didn't like what she was wearing, she started to speak up about it but Brian did before she could. Which he knew he needed to before she got upset, and he could tell she was starting to just by her facial expression.

"Gorgeous as always." He stated as he stepped closer to her, "But are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" She nodded as she looked at him a little confused, she wasn't quite sure why he was asking that, then she realized that he of course had noticed her lean back against the counter.

But just because she got light headed, didn't mean that she wasn't okay, at least that's how she thought anyways, because it left as quick as it had came on.

"It's just you spun around and quickly leaned back against the counter. You know now that I think about it, maybe we should have gone and had you checked out after you got hit in the head." He realized all these symptoms came on after that statue had hit her in the head so that had to be the cause of why she was feeling the way she had been.

"Oh my God Babe, I'm fine. Hell the bruising is totally gone now." She sighed out as she ran her hand down his chest.

"No, I know but you've been sick and I can tell you've been getting light headed every now and then, like when you move too fast and then to top it off you've been forgetting things easily which isn't like you baby."

"I know but I swear I feel fine now. Let's just go get something to eat and then go to see Ed Sheeran in concert. Please?" She begged, as she didn't want to talk about any of that at that moment.

"Okay, okay, let's go." He smiles some as he grabs her hand as he led her out of the bathroom, she realized she still needed to put on shoes so she pulled back as she tried pulling her hand out of his grip, which had him looking at her confused at why she was doing that.

"Babe, stop, I've got to put on some shoes still." She smirked at the way he looked at her. 

"Oh right." He chuckled as he let go of her hand, he hadn't even paid attention that she was barefooted.

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