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"So now that tour is coming to a close, what you guys going to do?" Nikita asked as her, Meghan and the guys of Avenged hung out on the bus as it traveled to the last city.

"Hang out with our families for the most part. And continue doing my podcast." Johnny answered.

"Oh that's right, Drinks with Johnny, right?"

"That's right." He nods with a smile, he even already had a few interviews lined up.

"And don't you something similar with your dad with the website Synner?" Nikita asked as she motioned towards Brian with a smile.

After the tour started she couldn't resist and looked up more things about them. She even had listened to a few of Johnny's podcaststhat he had done.

"Well, I mean it's not really a podcast, but we do stuff that helps people to learn the ins and out of a guitar and teaches them how to play. It's like virtual guitar classes basically. But it's just on the website whereas with Johnny's, its on his website, YouTube and Spotify." He pointed out.

"Oh cool, cool. And Zacky, you've got Vengeance to keep you busy huh?"

"That and my son, Tennessee, since we've been on tour, he's been with his mom so I'm going to go spend time with him."

"That's basically what I'm going to do too, spend time with Val and River. And Arin here, he's going to go spend time with that new wife of yours huh?" Matt chuckled as he patted Arin between the shoulder blades.

"I am." He beamed, "We were only married a couple months before this tour started." Luckily they were able to have a small honeymoon right after their marriage though.

"Awe how sweet, surprised she didn't come with so you two can spend more time together."

"Oh she was going to but her dad's health wasn't doing too good so she stayed home to be with her family just in case."

"Oh I'm sorry, hopefully he gets better."

"Yeah hopefully." He nods with a small frown, part of him hated that he couldn't be there for her but was thankful that she understood his career.

"So what about you? What are you going to do once you go home?" Zacky asked, which surprised Nikita that he was asking.

But he wanted to be cordial because he really didn't want any drama, and the tour was hearing an end so if James did found out about Brian and Nikita it wouldn't have effected the tour much. And it helped that Meghan gave him a good talking to.

"Well, I'm not quite sure. Probably re-enroll back in college." She said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You were going to college? What were you going for?" Meghan smiled.

Nikita looked at her as she could have swore she told them but fragmented that it was only Brian she had talked to about her being in college.

"Well I was taking a few different classes but majoring in business. My dream is to own a small bar, maybe one that has a restaurant with it."

"That sounds pretty awesome." Matt grinned.

"Yup, I know I'm getting a late start at doing it all but I figured it's better late than never you know." She shrugged.

When she was younger, it was only a restaurant she wanted to own then it was a bar she wanted but now she decided she wouldn't mind having both at the same time.

"Exactly." Brian nods and everyone agreed.

"So what's going to happen between you two?" Johnny smirked as he moved his fingers back and forth between the two of them.

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