"So I should warn you. Just cause we're hanging out like this, doesn't mean I want anything serious, so do not fall in love with me. I just got out of a bad relationship not long ago. And that's all you need to know about that situation tonight." She told him as they walked down the hallway of the hotel.

She wanted to make all that clear to him, even though she wasn't even sure why she said that as they just started hanging out, it was way too early to even think about the whole love situation. But she wanted him to know that this will just be a hook-up if they did do anything, she was sure with him being a Rockstar, he'd be fine with that, at least she hoped he would anyways.

"Well then, the feelings are mutual. Because I just got out of a relationship before this tour started. Not looking to jumping into another one any time soon."

"Well good, at least we got that straightened out." She giggled then became serious when she noticed out of the corner of her eye, her father down the hall. So she spoke in a low voice, "Great, look, I know him, he'll see us together, tell you to go back to your room and he'll handle getting me to my room." She rolled her eyes with a smile. "I don't want my night with you to end." She winked, "But let him do that. And go back to your room, wait oh about 30 minutes or so then come back okay."

"Okay." He nodded.

She just hoped that would be the case and that her father didn't scare him or threaten him in any way. Sometimes he has had a tendency to go overboard on a few things.

"Hello you two, and what's going on here?"

"Hello dad, Brian here." She patted Brian's upper arm, "Was just being a gentleman and making sure I get to my room safely. Weren't you Bri?" She hoped he didn't mind her shortening his name but of course he didn't mind as it sounded sexy rolling off her tongue.

"I was sir, I promise." Brian nodded.

"Well thank you Brian, but I can handle it from here. Why don't you go and get some relaxation before we have to leave out for the next show."

When he said that though, she gave Brian a told you so look which caused him to push his lips together slightly, which was to hold back a chuckle.

"That does sound good." He nodded, "See you tomorrow. Good night."

As soon as they said their goodbyes, Brian disappeared off towards his room. But as soon as he rounded the corner he stopped and leaned against the wall to wait till it was clear to go to her room. He didn't think they'd get caught by her father but at least they weren't kissing or anything. He was just happy that she came up with that amazing excuse as to why they were actually together.

Zack came out of the room he was sharing with Arin and saw Brian leaning against the wall so he smirked and quietly walked over to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a smirk.

Brian obviously didn't hear him walk up as he flinched a little.

"Shh!" Brian spoke quietly, "There's people trying to sleep in the rooms man." He smirked and then decided to make up an excuse because he wasn't about to tell him the truth, "Nothing though, just debating on whether to step out and have a cigarette because I'm not ready to settle in just yet. What are you doing out here?" He just hoped he believed that because of the fact their management made sure they had rooms that allowed smoking in them. 

Zacky just squinted his eyes, as he really didn't believe that, he noticed how close Brian and Nikita were being at the bar so he wondered if Brian had something else up his sleeve but just shook it off, he was a little too tipsy to care at that moment so he just held up the little bucket in his hand. 

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora