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So as it turned out, Nikita wasn't the only girl Anthony had drugged and took advantage of, he actually has done it to multiple girls. And to make matters worse he wasn't using his own money for the product, he was stealing Michelle's money to buy the drugs and alcohol to do that crap.

To make it up to Michelle, Nikita introduced her to her cousin Jesus, which kind of backfired because he had just gotten into a relationship with someone. But it did end up working out for Michelle, because she really hit it off with Ricardo when she met him.

Nikita continued to work at the bar she had been working at since he was no longer employed there. Even though Brian tried to beg her to quit at the beginning and because she was pregnant and she did let them know that she was pregnant, and they let her continue to work but as the bartender only, but once she really started showing, she did eventually quit. The owners tried talking her out of quitting but she told them that she thought it was for the best because I she didn't want to ruin their reputation for having a pregnant bartender at a place like they have which they understood. They even said after she had the baby, if she wanted to come back, she was guaranteed to have a position with them since she was one of their best employees. 

And she was even able to finish her schooling with honors.

As her and Brian were setting a wedding date, they decided on one where it would be after the baby was born, only because she didn't want to have a baby belly while walking down the aisle. 

Which they had a baby boy, who was the cutest baby ever. If you imagined Brian being tanned, you'd know how the baby look, because he was a spitting image of his father, it looked like the only thing he got from Nikita, was in fact, his skin tone. 

And everyone already guessed that they were going to be having a boy before his gender was actually found out because they joked that the guys are destined for boys since the rest of them already have boys. But of course they thought it would be funny if Brian broke the mold by having a girl.

For the baby's name, they followed in suit what the rest of their friends did and used the name James as the middle name, in memorial of Jimmy but it also serves a dual purpose since it was also Nikita's dad's name. 

Brian Sr. had told Nikita a story once, how when Brian Jr. was younger, out of spite, his ex wife, Brian's mother, used to call him BJ knowing what other word those initials meant. So Nikita told Brian that they could name their son Brian James and call him BJ for short as a joke, and he freaked out saying that was not going to happen because he knows why his mother called him that, because she knew it pissed his dad off when she'd say it. And he also didn't want his child to have a nickname that stood for an abbreviation for a sex act. 

They did settle on a name though, they agreed on going with the name Malachi James Haner. Unfortunately though, they hadn't agreed on that until after he was born, which to be exact, they had finally agreed the day he was going to be released from the hospital, which was almost 2 days after he was born.

When they finally had their wedding, which was roughly 6 weeks after Malachi was born, they were so nervous and excited.

And unfortunately, the ceremony got delayed by a little bit only because right before Nikita was getting ready to walk down the aisle, Malachi decided he needed to be fed. Which could only be her feeding him since she was breastfeeding. And she had meant to pump so that wouldn't happen but she got so distracted doing last minute details along with getting ready and forgot to pump a few bottles.

They also mixed it up when it came to the wedding by throwing both American and Latino traditions into the ceremony and did the same with the reception too. And everyone thought that was amazing, especially the ones that have never experienced a Latino wedding before.

As for their honeymoon, they didn't want to be away from their newborn too long since he was still so little so they stayed close to home and only went one night without him, which he stayed at Brian's parents house. But they do plan on having an actual honeymoon once he is a little older. 



I want to thank everyone who read and gave likes to this story ❤️

I do have another story going, which is a Johnny Christ Fanfic that I'll start going over and publishing.

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