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As Nikita was being transported to the local hospital, she finally woke up and glanced around. She could tell she was in the back of ambulance as she noticed the two EMT's. She figured they were taking her to the hospital but she wanted to know how close they were, and she also wondered why Brian wasn't in there with her.

"Where are we?" She grumbled out. "Where's Brian?" 

And instead of answering her question, one of the EMT's started asking her questions to make sure she didn't have a concussion or memory loss of any sort.

"Why hello there, welcome back to us. I have to ask you a series of questions okay?" 

"Okay." She rasped out with a small nod.

"What's your name for starters?"

"Shouldn't you already know that?"

"Well yeah but it's a standard question to make sure you don't have a concussion." They chuckled lightly.

She wasn't understanding why they needed to ask those kinda of questions since she didn't pass out because she hit her head all that happened was her feeling light headed then next thing she knew was waking up with an EMT by her. But then she figured maybe she hit her head after she passed out, but yet her head wasn't hurting her, and even then, she could have swore as she was passing out, that Meghan was right there and reached for her.  

"It's Nikita Hetfield."

"Good, can you tell me where you think you are?"

That made her look around only moving her eyes, "Looks like back of an ambulance."

"That's correct." They nodded, "What day is it?"

"Uh Saturday."

"Last one. What's the last thing you remember?" One of the EMTs asked.

"Uh." She lifted her hand and rubbed her forehead, "I was in the bathroom with my friend Meghan and the room was spinning but when I went to leave my head felt like a feather then my legs gave out under me and now I'm waking up in here."

"Good, with you remembering what happened means you don't have a concussion."

"Well that's good because I didn't pass out because I hit my head. Where's my boyfriend, Brian?"

"That may not be the case but we wanted to make sure you didn't possibly hit your head after you passed out. And Brian is following behind the ambulance as we're heading to the hospital okay?"


Once they got to the ER, they immediately got her into a room and one of the doctors started talking to Nikita and asking her more questions.

"Hello Ms. Hetfield, it appears you're in here because you passed out, is that correct?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Okay, the EMTS said your blood pressure was below normal. Do you have any substances in your system?"

"If you mean hard drugs no, I don't do that stuff. The only thing I do is weed and last time I smoked was hours ago. And I've only had a couple of beers tonight, with the last one being a good hour ago." 

She never hid the fact that she smokes weed and she wasn't going to start now. Plus she's always heard that the reason they ask those kind of questions when someones been admitted to the hospital isn't to get that person in trouble but to properly exam them and the possible causes as to why that person was admitted in the first place.

She also didn't want to have too much alcohol in her system this way between her and Brian someone was sober enough to drive because she knew how he was when he gets to hanging with their friends, he likes to drink too many and wouldn't be able to drive.

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora