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As James and Brian sat there, he told him more about last night's events and what all was said and done at the hospital. They, all of a sudden, noticed they didn't hear any more yelling coming from upstairs.

"Either she's done giving them an ear full or she shut the door." James spoke up.

"Wouldn't she have done that when she first went up there, is shut the door?" He questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

"Nope, she didn't trust me, we would have heard it because when she's mad she wouldn't have just shut it, she would have slammed it. So that means she's calmed down some if she did shut it." And her poor door has experienced enough slamming throughout Nikita's lifetime, more than James can count on his hands.

And that made sense to Brian and he didn't know what it was but whenever you're mad, slamming a door just seems so satisfying.

"Ah well is it cool if I go up and talk to her?" He had asked as the doorbell rang. "I just don't want to be disrespectful."

Part of Brian wanted to just say he was going to go up and check on Nikita but at the same time he didn't want to make James more mad than he already had been so he made sure to ask first.

"Uh yeah go ahead cause I need to answer this anyways. All I'm going to say is good luck. Wait, why would it be a disrespect if you go make sure she's okay? You're both adults." James shrugged, he didn't care if he didn't ask, as it's not like they were teenagers.

"I know but some might think it's disrespectful if I just went up without at least asking first." He chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders.

James then answered the door, "Oh hey, Francesca, come on in."

"Hi, sorry I didn't call before I came over, just wanted to make sure you guys were okay after I heard there was a break in. Shit, I can come back since you have company."

"No it's okay." James smiled and kissed her softly, "This is Brian, he's Nikita's boyfriend. Brian, this is my girl, Francesca."

"You can call me Fran for short." She smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." Brian smiled softly as he shook her hand then glanced up the stairs, "I'm going to go check on Nikita."

"Go ahead, she's probably in her old room, it'll be the 3rd door on the right." James nodded his head up towards the top of the stairs then turned to Francesca as Brian headed up the stairs, "She's really upset so if you don't get a warm welcome whenever she does come down, you'll know it's not cause of you." 

"Awe, she upset because of the break-in?"

"No." James shook his head, "Her bird, Paco, she's had him since she was little, he was part of the casualty, because he was found dead. Whoever broke in, killed him."

She gasped as she threw her hands to her face, "Oh no, that's horrible. Poor girl, that must have been devasting for her to hear that."

"It was."

As soon as Brian got to the door that James mentioned, he noticed it partially closed so he knocked softly then opened the door a little more.

"Nikita? Baby?"

He wasn't sure what kind of reaction he'd get from her so he wanted to be cautious because last thing he wanted to do was do any kind of arguing with her or having something thrown at his head, especially in her father's home.

"Hm?" She hummed out, not bothering to move since she was laying with her back to the door.

He then stepped inside and thought about shutting the door all the way but decided against it so instead he only shut it partially like it was when he walked up there.

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