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As soon as Brian got home from the tour, he put his things up and pulled out his phone to call Nikita because he needed to talk to her, needed to see her but as he got to her name on his contact list, he realized it was after midnight and that she might be asleep and he didn't want to wake her if that was the case. So, instead he sent her a message that he made it home safely, then figured if she messaged him back, he'd know she was awake and maybe then try to call her. 

But as he laid down in bed, he still hadn't gotten any messages back so he knew right then and there that she was in fact asleep already.


Brian woke up the next morning and looked at his clock to see that it was a little after 9am, then looked at his phone to see that she had just messaged him roughly 30 minutes ago. He wanted to call her right away but instead he got out of bed to make himself some coffee before he did this was he was coherent enough to make any sense.

He got half of a cup in him before he pulled out his phone and called Nikita.

"Hey, figured you'd be catching up on sleep." She said as soon as she answered the phone.

Hearing her voice instantly made him smile because he missed hearing it. Which was partly his fault that they didn't talk much, towards the beginning of the tour he was calling her quite a bit, but once Michelle joined them, he was focusing on trying to work things between them that he neglected Nikita. But she could have called or messaged him at the same time but she didn't.

And the only reason Nikita didn't message him back, was because after he told her that Michelle was on the tour with them, she didn't want to cause any problems if she tried to call or message him even though part of her regretted not doing that.

"Nah, I'm good, really. I just called to see if maybe you could come over today. I was wanting to talk to you about a few things."

When he asked that, part of her wanted to get changed and rush right over there, but at the same time she wanted to mentally prepare what ever he wanted to talk to her about. 

"I can try to, I don't have anything major planned. Let me guess, does it have something about the situation with Michelle?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Sorta, look just come over, please." It really didn't have hardly anything to do with her but he didn't want to get into it over the phone, what he wanted to say, he needed to say in person.

When he said sorta, she had gotten really nervous, she was afraid that him and Michelle had rekindled their romance on the tour and that they were back together, and that he also wanted to end what friendship they had together so that it wouldn't cause any problems between him and Michelle.

"Okay, but it won't be until later."

He wanted her to come over sooner than later as he didn't know how much longer he could wait but her saying she'd be over later rather than saying she wasn't going to come over at all was better than nothing. 

"Yeah, no that's fine."

They talked a few more minutes than said their goodbyes. Since he didn't take a shower the night before, he decided to take a quick one because he wasn't sure how much later she meant.

While Brian was waiting for Nikita to come over, he was so nervous. Even though she made statements stating she didn't want a relationship, he knew he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up any longer, he needed to tell her. And no matter what, if she didn't feel the same as him, he was going to live with her decision, even thought he'd hate it but he was sure he'd eventually get over it and her, at least he hoped he would.

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